LOT 1: Selichos in Ashkenazic Rite. Venice, 1600 Selichos for the month of Elul, Tishrei and fast days, following the customs of Ashkenazic Jewish communities. This edition of Selichos includes commentary, laws and customs, which were authored and compiled by Rabbi Yitzchak ben Rabbi Yaakov ...
LOT 2: Selichos Translated in to Yiddish. Amsterdam, 1688Antique wooden binding! Selichos for the month of Elul and the High Holy Days translated to Yiddish by Rabbi Elyakim ben Rabbi Yaakov Shatz of Komarno. This rendition was described as “There was never one like it before!” The ...
LOT 3: Selichos. Shapira Press. Zhitomir, 1857 Selichos in Ashkenazic-Polish rite, printed by the grandchildren of the Slavita Rav, Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Shapira, who were partners in the famed Jewish printing press in Zhitomir. This Zhitomir edition of Selichos was printed ...
LOT 4: Chovos Halevavos. Venice, 1548 Bomberg Press Edited copy! Sefer Chovos Halevavos by Rabbeinu Bachya ibn Pekuda (c.1050 - c. 1120) authored in Arabic and translated into lashon hakodesh by Rabbi Yehuda ibn Tabon. Chovos Halevavos (Duties of the Heart) is regarded as a primary ...
LOT 5: Sefer Hayashar. First Edition. Constantinople, Circa 1515 Topics of mussar, Jewish ethics and repentance attributed to Rabbeinu Tam. This is an exceedingly rare sefer, and many bibliophiles have expressed that this sefer is as rare as an incunabulum. Sefer Hayashar was enthusiastically ...
LOT 6: Incunable! Sefer Ha’Ikrim. First Edition. Soncino, 1486. Complete copy! Fundamentals of Jewish faith and belief by 15th century Spanish scholar Rabbi Yosef Albo. Complete copy in good condition with an ornate new binding. In this landmark sefer, Rabbi Albo presents the three fundamentals ...
LOT 7: Chasdei Hashem. Cracow, 1589Commentary on the Yud-Gimmel Middos by the venerable kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Margalios, Rosh Yeshivah of Cracow. In the present work, the author illuminates the Thirteen Attributes of Compassion in 26 ways, with each Attribute explained in two ways. ...
LOT 8: Shnei Luchos Habris by the Shl”a Hakadosh. The “Nachas” Edition. Amsterdam, 1698 Pearls of wisdom and profound lessons in kabbalah, mussar, commentary on the Torah and principles of the Oral Torah by the saintly kabbalist Harav Yeshaya Halevi Horowitz, the Shl”a Hakadosh. This second ...
LOT 9: Derech Chochmah by the Ramchal. First Edition. Amsterdam, 1783 Four essays on the Revealed and Hidden Torah by the legendary kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato (Ramchal). In the fourth essay of this sefer, the Ramchal presents important foundations regarding the essence of Rosh Hashanah ...
LOT 10: Layesharim Tehillah by the Ramchal. Amsterdam, 1743Spectacular copy with wide margins Magnificent bibliophile's copy! The Ramchal printed only 50 copies of this book (see below), and of these, only a handful in the present large format, with extra-wide folios that were apparently ...
LOT 11: Ye’aros Dvash by Rabbi Yehonasan Eibschutz with Author’s Portrait. Vienna, 1818 Derashos, containing stirring mussar, divrei Torah and eulogies by Rabbi Yehonasan Eibschutz. The front pages of this sefer boast an impressive portrait of the author, Rabbi Yehonasan Eibschutz. This spectacular ...
LOT 12: Maseches Derech Eretz U’Pirkey Ben Azzai. First Edition. Riva Di trento, 1561 Maseches Derech Eretz on ethics, morals and proper conduct. This tractate, one of the shortest ones in the Talmud, encompasses lessons taught by the Tanna’im regarding Jewish ethics and proper comportment. This ...
LOT 13: Maseches Rosh Hashanah. First Bomberg Edition. Venice, 1521 A complete volume of Maseches Rosh Hashanah with Rashi and Tosfos’ commentaries from the original edition of Talmud Bavli printed by the famous Venetian printer Daniel Bomberg. This was the first edition that printed the Piskei ...
LOT 14: Handwritten! Chasam Sofer Drashos for Selichos and 27th of Elul (Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Nosson Adler). Pressburg, 1830 Large, double-sided handwritten folio from the drashos of Rabbi Moshe Sofer, the Chasam Sofer, contains the awe-inspiring words of mussar that he delivered to his congregation ...
LOT 15: Noam Elimelech. First Edition. Lvov, 1788Beautiful copy! Fundamental Chassidic commentary on Chamishah Chumshei Torah composed by the venerable Chassidic master Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk with the additions of Likutei Shoshanah and Igros Kodesh (a response penned by Rabbi Elimelech’s ...
LOT 16: “Eloka D’Meir Aneina” Famous Segulah for Success & Health by the Baal Shem Tov. Single Leaf. Russia/Poland, Circa 1800 Sacred folio featuring the Baal Shem Tov’s famous segulah of donating tzedakah to the Rabbi Meir Baal Haness Charity Fund with associated special prayer from the ...
LOT 17: “Whenever he carries the amulet…he shall not fear the plague.” Sacred Amulet by the Admor Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac of Komarno. Lvov, 1856 Following repeated epidemics in the country, the Admor of Komarno Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac wrote a special amulet to serve as physical protection against the ...
LOT 18: Likutei Eitzos by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. First Edition. Dubna, 1816 Guidance and recommendations for serving Hashem collected from Rabbi Nachman of Breslov’s Likutei Muharan by his prime disciple Rabbi Nosson of Breslov. Fundamental Breslov sefer! Exceedingly rare first edition! Two ...
LOT 19: Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac of Ziditchov.Kabbalistic Commentary on Midrash Rabba Large folio from Midrash Rabba with extra-wide margins filled with the sacred kabbalistic annotations on the Midrash and Zohar by the Admor Rabbi Yitzchak Eisik of Ziditchov. On this folio, he cites lessons from ...
LOT 20: Machzor Kavanas HaPaytan. 4 volumesFirst Edition. Amsterdam, 1750Splendid set with original elaborate leather bindings! Machzor for High Holy Days and Three Festivals in Ashkenazic rite with “Hadras Kodesh” and “Kavanas Hapaytan '' commentaries in Yiddish. 4 Volumes, complete set of ...
LOT 21: 2-Volume Set of Machzorim for High Holy Days & Three Festivals. Shapira Press. Slavita, 1822 Striking set! Prayers for the High Holy Days and three festivals in Polish rite, following the customs of Pihem, Merin, Lithuania and Reisin. This set is complete with all piyyutim and ...
LOT 22: 2-Volume Set of Machzorim in Sephardic-Chassidic Rite. Shapira Press. Zhitomir, 1865 2-volume set of machzorim in Nusach Sfard printed in large format (close to 30 cm!) in accordance with Chassidic customs. This set was printed by the righteous printers Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua ...
LOT 23: Tikkunei HaZohar. Shapira Press. Slavita, 1836 Beautiful copy! Tikkunei HaZohar as taught by the Tanna Eloki Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, precisely edited and prepared for print based on the Constantinople Press. This edition features beautiful type, wide margins and its original Slavita ...
LOT 24: The RARE ZOHAR LUBLINSefer HaZohar. Lublin, 1623. Complete Copy. The Sefer HaZohar printed in Lublin, 1623 is an exceedingly rare and valuable work with very few complete extant copies. Even the National Library in Jerusalem does not possess a complete copy! The Lublin edition of the ...
LOT 25: Complete Year-Round Siddur with Kavanos Ha’Ari. Amsterdam, 1681First Siddur Printed with Kavanos Ha’Ari!This volume boasts a Siddur with Kavanos Ha’Ari, Tehillim, Maamados, Yotzros, Haggadah and Sefer Haminhagim! Rare find with beautiful binding! Siddur - order of prayers for the ...
LOT 26: Manuscript: Siddur with Rashash’s Holy Kavanos. Jerusalem, Circa 1777 Collection of handwritten booklets containing the Rashash sacred teachings conveying the hidden and kabalistic intentions for prayer. This early manuscript was inscribed during his lifetime and was inscribed primarily by ...
LOT 27: Manuscript. Poetic Eulogy on the Zera Shimshon. Italy, 1779 This manuscript contains a poem (kinah) encompassing 15 stanzas lamenting the passing of the saintly kabbalist Rabbi Shimshon Chaim Nachmani, author of Zera Shimshon, who returned his soul to the heavens on Wednesday, the 6th of ...
LOT 28: Graiditz, 12 Elul, 5625 (1865)“In these days of judgment and compassion… you and yours shall be written and stamped for a good, sweet year!”Handwritten & Autographed Letter of Blessing for the New Year by Rabbi Eliyahu Guttmacher of Graiditz Lengthy letter regarding the delivery ...
LOT 29: Letter of Chiddushei Torah by Rabbi Dovid Yehuda Zilberstein Regarding the Mitzvah of Shofar. Weitzen, 1905 This lengthy 8-page handwritten letter, inscribed by Rabbi Dovid Yehuda Zilberstein, Av Beis Din of Weitzen and author of Yad Dovid, is replete with marvelous chiddushim and pilpul ...
LOT 30: Autographed Letter by the Admor Rabbi Shalom Eliezer Halberstam of Ratzfert. 1931The Admor of Ratzfert was renowned as a miracle worker whose blessings were inevitably fulfilled. Countless tales of miracles and wonders abounded among Hungarian Jewry regarding the blessings of the tzaddik ...
LOT 31: Letter replete with blessings for the new year, by the tzaddik and miracle-worker Rabbi Chuna Halberstam of Kolshitz.It is well-known that Rabbi Chuna’s blessings were fulfilled. Reisha, 7 Elul, 5595 (1935) “I bless you with a k’sivah v’chasimah tovah in the Books of Tzaddikim” ...
LOT 32: Handwritten & Autographed Letter with Wishes for a K’sivah V’chasimah Tovah by the Admor Rabbi Itzik’l of Pshevorsk. Antwerp, 1965 Third Day of Selichos, to the Order of “So You Shall Live, ” A Year of Great Bounty and Goodness “May all our prayers and shofar blasts be accepted with ...
LOT 33: Handwritten & Autographed Shanah Tovah Letter by the Minchas Elazar of Munkacs Munkacs. Tuesday eve. 13 Middos, 5691 (1931) “May Hashem Yisborach in His kindness and compassi on grant that this new year be one of goodness and blessing” This handwritten postcard bearing the autograph ...
LOT 34: Handwritten & Autographed, Chiddushei Torah & Blessings for the New Year by Rabbi Asher Anshel Weiss, Author of Shemen Laminchah. Nagyfalu, 1923 Nagyfalu. Eve of first day of Selichos, 5683 (1923) “On the imminent day of Rosh Hashanah, may you and all yours be written and sealed ...
LOT 35: Handwritten & Autographed Letter with blessing for Shana Tovah by Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski, Av Beis Din of Vilna. 1932 First Day of Selichos, 5692 (1932) “May you be blessed this New Year with good life and longevity, and may you rejoice with the joy of the upcoming Festival of ...
LOT 36: Blessings for the New Year & Responsa Regarding Changing the Settings of A Shabbos Clock by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. Jerusalem, 1954 15th of the Month of Compassion, 5714 (1954) “K’sivah V’chasimah Tovah in the Book of Complete Tzaddikim” In Elul, 1954, Rabbi Shomo Zalman ...
LOT 37: “Blessings for a ksivah vachasimah tovah for a good, sweet year materially and spiritually” 2 Letters of Blessing for the New Year by the Lubavitcher Rebbe Sacred letters from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson with heartfelt wishes and blessings for the New Year ...
LOT 38: Breathtaking 600-Year-Old Handwritten Siddur!Only 12 cm!Full Siddur with Machzor on Parchment. Italy, 15th century Striking manuscript, beautiful Siddur in excellent condition preserved for over 600 years! This siddur, inscribed with handsome, medium-size block letters across ...
LOT 39: Only 7 cm!Rare 17th Century Miniature!Emek Brachah. Miniature Order of Brachos and Passover Haggadah with Instructions in Ladino. Amsterdam, 1669 Birkas Hamazon; Birkos Hanehenin and Mitzvos; Kiddush for Shabbos and Yom Tov; Havdalah; Haggadah; Sefiras Haomer; Order of Engagement ...
LOT 40: Miniature Siddur. Only 5.7 cm! Amsterdam, 1739 Very small sized siddur in accordance with the customs of Sephardic communities. Antique red leather binding with gilded engravings and edges. This siddur was printed by Rabbi Meir Crescas who traveled to Amsterdam during that time to print ...
LOT 41: Dash Bentchen Illustrated Birkas Hamazon & Zemiros for Shabbos with Yiddish Translation. Frankfurt am Main, 1727 Extraordinary! Order of Birkas Hamazon & Zemiros for Shabbos in Ashkenazic-Polish rite. The sefer also includes the Haggadah, Krias Shema al Hamittah, and various ...
LOT 42: Siddur HaShl”a. Amsterdam, 1742Beautiful copy! Attractive copy in ornate antique leather binding. Siddur Shaar Hashamayim complete with all prayers including Selichos, Yotzros, Tehillim, Maamados, and Haggadah with commentary based on all methods of Torah study, and laws and customs in ...
LOT 43: The Chasam Sofer’s Personal Copy of Maseches Succah with His Handwritten Glosses!Sacred Copy & Illustrious Provenance! Personal copy of Maseches Succah that belonged to the venerable Chasam Sofer, Rabbi Moshe Sofer, Av Beis Din of Pressburg. The used condition of this sefer, along ...
LOT 44: The Alshich HakadoshAlshich Hakadosh on the Five Megillos. Prague, 1617 Commentary on the Five Megillos with text of the Megillah by Rabbi Moshe Alshich. 1. Shoshanas Ha’Amakim on Shir Hashirim 2. Einei Moshe on Rus 3. Devarim Nechumim in Eichah 4. Devarim Tovim on ...
LOT 45: Sefer HaMinhagim, Illustrated Brachos book Miniature Edition. Amsterdam 1708 Order of the blessings for the whole year with 15 woodcut illustrations. Extremely rare. These books of customs and blessings for the whole year were extensively used, resulting in their becoming worn out and ...
LOT 46: Historic communal treasure!Magnificent Esrog Box of Congregation Anshei Shalom in Chicago with Engraved Inscription. 1920 A large, impressive wooden esrog box which formerly belonged to the members of Congregation Anshei Shalom in Chicago, IL. The cover features a round glass window ...
LOT 47: 14-Volume Miniature Tanach in Antique Leather Binding. Paris, 1544-1546Magnificent, complete set! A full set of Torah, Nevi’im and Kesuvim with nekudos. Complete with all 16 title pages, this spectacular miniature Tanach was printed by the famed Parisian printer Robert Stefanos ...
LOT 48: Chamishah Chumshei Torah with Original Artistic Binding. Antwerp, 1566Magnificent copy! Chamishah Chumshei Torah and Five Megillos with punctuation and cantillation marks, printed at the order of the Minister of Bomberg. This is one of the very first sefarim printed in Antwerp. The ...
LOT 49: 4-Volume Beautiful Miniature Tanach in Antique Leather Case. Berlin, 1711 Complete 4-volume set of Torah-Nevi’im-Kesuvim printed in unique miniature (long and narrow) format; all volumes leather-bound and preserved in antique leather case. The Tanach is printed without nekudos. Attractive ...
LOT 50: Tanach Translated to Yiddish. Amsterdam, 1687One of the first Yiddish translations of Tanach! Beautifully preserved copy with elaborately illustrated title page! Torah, Nevi’im and Kesuvim translated to Yiddish by the great commentator Rabbi Yosef Yozelen Witzenhausen, with assistance ...
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