Auction 12 Genazym, High holidays special auction
By Genazym
Sep 11, 2022
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LOT 34:

Handwritten & Autographed, Chiddushei Torah & Blessings for the New Year by Rabbi Asher Anshel ...

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Sold for: $3,200 (₪10,848)
Start price:
$ 1,000
Estimated price :
$1,500 - $2,000
Buyer's Premium: 24% More details
Auction took place on Sep 11, 2022 at Genazym

Handwritten & Autographed, Chiddushei Torah & Blessings for the New Year by Rabbi Asher Anshel Weiss, Author of Shemen Laminchah. Nagyfalu, 1923

Nagyfalu. Eve of first day of Selichos, 5683 (1923)
“On the imminent day of Rosh Hashanah, may you and all yours be written and sealed for goodness and blessing and good life, happiness and wealth, Torah and greatness together.”

Long, 4-page handwritten containing halachic discussion regarding the Chid”a and Bnei Yissachar’s opinions of whether it is permissible to eat meat that remained from Shabbos Chazon during the Nine Days. Included are blessings for the New Year by Rabbi Asher Anshel Weiss Hy”d, Av Beis Din of Nagyfalu, Transylvania and author of Shemen Laminchah.
The letter opens with a lengthy apology for Rabbi Weiss’ delayed response, with an assurance of compensation. “As I am not less than a ganav I shall repay double and write double what I planned [to write].” He then humbly asks “On Yom Hakeseh [Rosh Hashanah] mention me for goodness in your prayers, among all of Yisrael.”
He concludes with a brief prayer for preparing his drashah for Shabbos Shuvah : “May the Merciful One merit me to deliver words of true Torah novella for goodness.”
Harav Asher Anshel Weiss Hy”d (1882-1944), Av Beis Din of Nagyfalu, was a disciple of the Shevet Sofer and Arugas Habosem and one of the great Torah luminaries and Poskim in Transylvania, who disseminated the teachings of his masters to thousands. He was renowned for his expertise regarding gittin and agunos, along with his incredible breadth of knowledge of the works of the Rishonim and Achronim. Rabbi Asher Anshel Weiss was murdered al kiddush Hashem by the Nazis, yet his legacy remains in the the 3-volume Shemen Laminchah al HaTorah V’sugyos Shas.
Nagyfalu, 1923. Folded leaf with 4 sides. Page size: 15*23 Marginal tears without any omission.
The present letter was not printed in his series of sefarim Shemen Laminchah.
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