LOT 202: Itmachi Kamiya: Touching Letter from the Gedolei HaDorot, the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, in the Name of the Steipler. "My father blesses [you] that Hashem send you complete healing soon - a total recovery"!! (Blessing from the gaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky in the name of the Steipler) Touching ...
LOT 203: Eynei HaEdah: Letter from Rabbi Elazar Menachem Shach to Rabbi Moshe Feinstein on Core Issues for the Chareidi Public. "I have appointed guardians on your walls, O Jerusalem" Important historic-Chareidi letter unlike any other, between two leaders of the generation - the gaon Rabbi Elazar ...
LOT 204: Historic Letter from Rabbi Mordechai Shulman to the Chazon Ish in Vilna. Rare and important historic letter sent to the Chazon Ish in Vilna, entirely handwritten and signed by the ilui of the Slobodka yeshivah - and later its rosh yeshivah, the gaon Rabbi Mordechai Shulman. He was one of the ...
LOT 205: Collection of [4] Letters: Historic Letter from Rabbi Chizkiyahu Mishkovshky, Just a Few Days before his Passing. Important and historic letter handwritten and signed by the great gaon Rabbi Chizkiyahu Yosef Mishkovsky, son-in-law of Rabbi Itzaleh Blazer. Sent to the gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Tzvi ...
LOT 206: Important Torah Letter from the Rosh Yeshiva of Ponovezh, the Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Shlomo Berman, the Steipler's Son-in-Law. Lengthy missive on deep halachic issues handwritten and signed by the gaon Rabbi Mordechai Shlomo Berman, rosh yeshivah of Ponovezh and son-in-law of the Steipler ...
LOT 207: Important and Beautiful Letter from the Mashgiach, Rabbi Chaim Friedlander. Bnei Brak, 1967. "To this day, I have not been asked ... for guarantees, because they know that I sign personally ... and am responsible ... so they can be absolutely certain ..." Beautiful, lengthy and important ...
LOT 208: Montefiore's Wonder: Beautiful Letter from R' Ya'akov Lipschutz [Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor's Secretary]. "This story points directly to how Hashem's eye watches over [you] in particular, not keeping anything from the righteous" Fascinating letter from Rabbi Ya'akov HaLevi Lipschutz of ...
LOT 209: Americana: Early Letter to Sir Moses Montefiore. New York, 1855. "I will not beg your pardon for this imposition"! Early letter, rare and unique, from Binyamin, son of Rabbi Lichtenstein, gabbai of the Rabi Meir Ba'a'l HaNes charity fund in the United States, to the philanthropist Moshe ...
LOT 210: Americana: Rare Documentation of Dozens of Jewish Donors from the United States. 1924-1926. Binder with over [500] leaves, with lengthy notations of Jewish donors from the United States, for Kupat Rabi Meir Ba'al HaNes - the central charity fund for residents of the Land of Israel. [1924-1926]. ...
LOT 211: Exceptionally Rare Document: Distribution of Kollel Stipends in Vilna - One of the First Kollelim in the World. Unique and rare document, signed by nine rabbis who studied Torah at the famous kloiz of the Vilna Gaon, ztzuk"l. They received a stipend from community funds, and sign this document ...
LOT 212: Historic Document: Establishment of the Ponovezh Yeshivah - in the City of Ponovezh. Ponovezh, Elul, 1932. Rare and very important historic letter - the original invitation to the inauguration of the yeshivah building in the city of Ponovezh - Beit Pessiya. This is the invitation sent to Pessiya ...
LOT 213: Holocaust Survivors: Rare Document Attesting to the Single Status of a Young Woman. 1946. Rare affirmation of single status for the young woman [30 years old], Nechi Rivkah Sabata, daughter of R' Aharon, who was born in Wyszków. From the Hasenbecke DP camp in Kassel, Germany, 1946. It also ...
LOT 214: Beautiful Letter from the Martyr Mrs. Shmuelevitz, Beit Ya'akov Principal in Lithuania. There was a great woman there Beautiful letter from the martyr Mrs. Ella Shmuelevitz, may her blood be avenged, principal of the Beit Ya'akov school in Kovno, whose story from the Kovno ghetto is written ...
LOT 215: Discovery: Unknown Work by Mahara"sh Nianiati - One of the Gedolim of the Chid"a's Generation. "The complete sage Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Niniati of Ancona asked as follows: We have been struck in the Etz Chayim yeshivah ..." (the Chid"a, Shu"t Chayim Sha'al Part I siman 40) Manuscript: Sefer Me'il ...
LOT 216: Beautiful Letter from the Av Beit Din of Livorno, Kabbalist Rabbi Ya'akov Nunes Vais. Very beautiful letter, loaded with blessings entirely handwritten and signed by the gaon Rabbi Ya'akov Nunes Vais, av beit din of Livorno and one of the Chid"a's closest associates - he even studied the hidden ...
LOT 217: Rare: Ma'aseh Bet Din Signed by the Author of Beit Aharon [Krispin]. Izmir, 1842. Very beautiful ma'aseh beit din document opening with the words "Given that there is a document of the debt as a fine, " artistically signed by three of Izmir's dayanim led by Rabbi Aharon Krispin, author of Beit ...
LOT 218: Letter of Historic Importance by Rabbi Yitzchak Formigini, Av Beit Din of Trieste. 1842. Letter from Rabbi Yitzchak Formigini, one of the gedolim of Italy, about the changes in education initiated by Emperor Joseph II and supported by Naphtali Hirz Wessely. Trieste, 1842. "Don't confuse the ...
LOT 219: Emissary's Letter from Tiberias, 1834. Signed by Tiberias Rabbis. Emissary's letter from Tiberias to the community of Meknes in Morocco, for the emissary Avraham HaKohen Dwek. Tiberias, 1834.This emissary's letter mentions Rabbi Akiva's grave as well as the history of Jewish Tiberias. ...
LOT 220: Printed Emissary's Letter from the Community in Tiberias, for Rabbi Chaim Shalom Amar. Unknown. Emissary's letter from Tiberias rabbis for Rabbi Chaim Shalom Amar, who was sent on a mission to European cities. Livorno, 1775. This mission was carried out due to the difficult condition of ...
LOT 221: Huge, Unknown Emissary's Letter from the Hebron Community. Emissary's letter for R' Chaim Rachamim Baggio and R' Yitzchak Ze'evi for the Jewish community in Hebron, directed to the Modona [Modena] community. Livorno, 1762-1765. Unknown. The top part is a missive from Hebron administrators in ...
LOT 222: Kabbalistic Manuscript by Rabbi Yehudah Ptayah. Completely Different From the Printed Version. Extraordinarily deep Kabbalistic manuscript that delves to the depths of the sefirot and the partzufim . Entirely written by the leading Kabbalist of Bavel (Iraq), the G-dly Kabbalist Rabbi Yehudah ...
LOT 223: Amulet for Power and Government: Two Complete Derashot Handwritten by the Ben Ish Chai in his Youth. Two-page manuscript containing two complete derashot , from beginning to end, handwritten by the leading Kabbalist of Bavel (Iraq), the living lion, Rabbeinu Yosef Chaim of Baghdad. Each derashah ...
LOT 224: Rare Amulet for a Childless Woman Handwritten by the G-dly Kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Barzani. [Jerusalem], 1943. Especially powerful amulet, extremely lengthy [140 lines, about 3/4 of a meter long] and very rare, designated for a woman to wear for: fertility, marital harmony, protection, success ...
LOT 225: Segulah for Protection and Healing: Straw that Rabbi Aharon "Kadosh Hashem" MiBelz Stood upon Barefoot on Yom Kippur. "Straw from the rabbi of blessed memory" Pieces of straw the most sacred Admo"r Rabbi Aharon of Belz stood upon in 1955 throughout all his prayers on the holiest day of the ...
LOT 226: The Ultimate Segulah! The Admo"r of Tosh's Afikoman. "Afikoman is a segulah for wealth and a spouse, as it says, 'MiTzafon zahav yatah' - that is to say, from the afikoman , which is called tzafon (north), wealth will come, and also, 'zahav' is an abbreviation for zivug hagun b'karov (finding ...
LOT 227: First Print: Divrei Chayim- Sanz. Copy that belonged to the Dzikover Rebbe. Handwritten Glosses. Sefer Divrei Chayim , Part I on hilchot gittin u'mikva'ot by the leading Admo"r of Galicia, the Rebbe Rabbi Chaim Halberstam of Sanz - known by the name of this sefer , as the author of Divrei Chayim ...
LOT 228: Chassidut, Rare First Edition: 'Torah Mikveh' by the Wondrous Admo"r Rabbi Choneh of Kolashitz. Pedigree Copy. Kuntress Torat Mikveh on the hahachahs of mikva'ot with insights by the Divrei Chaim of Sanz, by the most sacred and wondrous tzaddik, Rabbi Choneh Halberstam of Kolaschitz. Risha ...
LOT 229: Chok Olam by Rabbi Nottaleh Oshpitzner, Disciple of the Divrei Chayim. With the Author's Handwritten Glosses. Sefer Bechinat Olam im Bakashat Hamemi"n by Rabbi Yedidyah HaPenini HaBardashi, with the Chok Olam commentary by the mighty gaon Rabbi Nattan Nota Segal Landau, av beit din Oshpitsin, a ...
LOT 230: Haggadah with the Tiferet Shlomo of Radomsk's Commentary. Copy that Belonged to his Nephew, the Av Beit Din of Polona. Passover haggadah with commentaries by two leading Admo"rim of Poland - Sefat Emet by the sacred Admo"r Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter of Gur, and Tiferet Shlomo by the sacred ...
LOT 231: The Admo"r Rabbi Alter of Lelov's Sefer Tehillim . Tehillim with the Shir Chadash commentary by Rabbi Yeshayah Dayan. Livorno, 1841. Incomplete copy. The flyleaf bears the stamp of "Avraham Betzalel Nattan Nota son of the tzaddik R' Elazar Menachem ztzuklh"h Biderman, Jerusalem." Two pages ...
LOT 232: Machshavot Levi by the Admo"r of Kuzmir in the Warsaw Ghetto. Warsaw, 1933. In the Author's Penmanship?. Chassidut, uncommon first edition Sefer Machshavot Levi Part I - scholarly halachic discussions by the Admo"r Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Kuzmir, son of the Admo"r Rabbi Menachem David of ...
LOT 233: Wedding Condition Controversy. Sefer HaPargod. Pedigree Copy. New York, 1937. Sefer HaPargod about messengers for divorce before the chuppah , per the request of Conservative rabbis, to be carried out in America due to takkanat agunot , by Rev. Ya'akov Gershon Shein. Large and interesting ...
LOT 234: Emet L'Ya'akov - Signature by Rabbi Elimelech Weissblum of Staszów. Emet L'Ya'akov - Chassidic essays by the Admo"r Rabbi Ya'akov Yitzchak Shapira of Błędów, Warsaw, 1912. First edition. Pedigree copy. Signatures and stamps by the sacred Admo"r Rabbi Elimelech b"r Avraham Yitzchak Weissblum ...
LOT 236: Sacred and Awesome: Blessings for Health and Wealth from the Admo"r Rabbi Elimelech of Karlin. "May [you] be blessed from the source of all blessing with a good and healthy life, and with an abundance of blessing and success obtaining a good livelihood" Sacred letter loaded with rare ...
LOT 237: Historic Letter about the Establishment of the Ohr Yisrael (Karlin) Yeshivah in Luninitz. 1933. Beautiful and especially important historic letter from the Stoliner gaon, Rabbi Alter Yehudah Zoliyer, av beit din of Luninitz, a close associate of the Admo"r, the "Yanuka" - Rabbi Yisrael of Stolin ...
LOT 238: The Peak of Chassidut: Two Children of the Imrei Baruch make a Shidduch - Handwritten by the Admo"r of Otinya. "May Hashem be at my side so that my joy influences for the good and brings salvation" Glorious historic-Chassidic letter, calligraphically signed by the founder of the Otinya ...
LOT 239: Historic-Polemic: Sharp Letter from the Minchat Elazar to Community Leaders. Extremely sharp historic-polemic letter. Written and signed in print by Rabbi Chaim Elazar of Munkacs, author of Minchat Elazar. Sent to the leaders of the Chust community about the controversy over the rabbinate there. ...
LOT 240: One of a Kind: Letter in Arabic (!) from Rabbi Shmuel Heller, Av Beit Din of Safed. Beautiful and lengthy letter written entirely in Arabic, from the av beit din of Safed, the sacred gaon Rabbi Shmuel Heller - disciple and successor of the rebbe of Ovrutch, author of Bat Ayin . Signed in his ...
LOT 241: Beautiful Letter Handwritten by Rabbi Alter Segal, a Partriarch of Chassidut in the Land of Israel. "My friend, the expert rabbi, the elder, scion of the sacred ... grandson of the sacred gaon of Volochysk, son-in-law of ... Rabbi Naftali Tzvi, grandson of the Besh"t ..." (The Ba'al HaTanya ...
LOT 242: Handwritten Letter from the Admo"r the 'Abir Ya'akov' of Sadigura to Rabbi Meshulam Roth. Letter from the sacred Admo"r Rabbi Avraham Ya'akov Friedman, author of Abir Ya'akov of Sadigura, to the gaon Rabbi Meshulam Roth, av beit din of Chernowitz. Tel-Aviv, 1949. The letter is enshrouded in ...
LOT 243: Exceptionally Rare Letter Handwritten and Signed [Differently!] by the Ba'al HaSulam . Exceptionally rare letter entirely [over 30 words] handwritten and signed - in the different, rare signature of the leading in-depth Kabbalist of recent centuries, the sacred gaon Rabbi Yehudah Leib Ashlag ...
LOT 244: Historic: Letter from the Gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Wallerstein, Av Beit Din of Risha and Disciple of the 'Divrei Chaim' of Sanz. "HaKadosh Baruch Hu would cry out, saying: Who will arise for me against evildoers; who will stand on my behalf among sinners"? Beautiful condolence letter ...
LOT 245: Rare: Sacred Letter from the Admo"r Rabbi Menachem Mendel Landau of Biala. 1938. Sacred letter handwritten and signed by the Admo"r Rabbi Menachem Mendel Landau of Biala, author of Shemesh U'Magen , grandson of the gaon Rabbi Avraham of Chechnov. Brooklyn, 1937. Letters from him are rare. This ...
LOT 246: Very Beautiful Letter from the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Yosef Rubin, Author of Pardes Yosef. Especially beautiful condolence letter handwritten by the gaon Rabbi Moshe Yosef Rubin, av beit din of Kimpolung, and son of the Admo"r Rabbi Pinchas Menachem Mendel Rubin of Seret. Kimpolung [Romania] 1935. ...
LOT 247: Blessings for Health and Livelihood from the Wonder-Worker of Frysztak, the Shinova Rebbe's Daughter. A talmid chacham 's wife is to be honored like the man himself Especially beautiful letter from the righteous Rebbetzin Feiga Baila Halberstam, wife of the rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel of ...
LOT 248: Rare: Letter with Blessings from the Admo"r Rabbi Yitzchak of Amshinov. 1951. "May you see much nachat and joy from them ... May they be a blessed and upright generation ... May Hashem bring joy and peace upon us and the entire Jewish people ... and all goodness ... Yitzchak son of the Rebbe ...
LOT 249: Exceptionally Rare: Kvittel to the Gaon Rabbi Yoelish of Satmar Handwritten by the Ra'ava"d of Jerusalem, the Gaon Rabbi Pinchas Epstein. "... to be inscribed and sealed immediately in the book of complete tzaddikim, may [you] and [yours] be in good health" Exceptionally rare kvittel ...
LOT 250: Letter Overflowing with Handwritten Blessings from the Admo"r Rabbi Hersheleh Spinker in his Youth. ללא ביו Important Chassidic letter, interesting and very personal, loaded with old-style Chassidic words, the Rebbe's intimate details and wonderful blessings, entirely handwritten and signed by ...
LOT 251: Letter with Huge Blessings from the Wonder-Worker, the Admo"r, Rabbi Yisrael Avraham of Skulen. "May Hashem bless you for this in everything you do. May you succeed everywhere you turn, and may only goodness and lovingkindness be in your home always" Letter with profuse blessings for ...
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