LOT 151: A sermon for Hanukkah in the handwriting of Rabbi Eliezer Chaim Deitsch Abd Bonihad - and a letter to him from Rabbi Elazar Galdstein in the name of Rabbi Elazar of Monkatesh The holy Gaon Rabbi Elezer Chaim Deutsch, one of the greatest Meshivim [1850-1915], one of the Geonim of Hungary. ...
LOT 152: A document by Rabbi Shimon HaCohen Strasser with his signature. Recommendation for a disciple Rabbi Yaakov Shmuel Katzburg - 1929. A document by Rabbi Shimon HaCohen Strasser with his signature. Recommendation for a disciple Rabbi Yaakov Shmuel Katzburg - 1929Rabbi Shimon Hacohen Strasser ...
LOT 153: A long letter of 3 pages on the Torah from the genius Rabbi Moshe Ahron Krauss to his rabbi "I will take small boys to memorize their study with them" - Lokenbach 1904 . A long letter of 3 pages on the Torah from the genius Rabbi Moshe Ahron Krauss to his rabbi "I will take small boys to ...
LOT 154: Letter by Rabbi Shimon Kraus – Miklos Kallay, 1929 . Letter by Rabbi Shimon Kraus – Miklos Kallay, 1929 הגאון רבי שמעון קרויס הי”ד נולד בסרדאהלי לאביו הרב יעקב קאפל ולאמו זעמעלא, בל”ג בעומר שנת תרכ”ג (1863). בילדותו למד בהתמדה לילות כימים, וגדל בתורה ובעבודת ה’. גם בחלומותיו עסק בדברי תורה. ...
LOT 155: A rare letter from Rabbi Yekutiel Yehuda Adler Dometz Igla to the gaon Rabbi Yosef Zvi Dushinskaya - about a pottery vessel in which chicken meat was cooked in milk
LOT 156: Historic divorce deed - signed by the great rabbis of Antwerp, Rabbi Mordechai Rattenberg Avdak, Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaCohen Dometz, and Rabbi Nathan Neta Eckstein Rabbi Mordechai Rottenberg (1872-1944), was a disciple of Rabbi Moshe Grunwald – the Arugas Habosem, Rabbi Chananya Yomtov Lippa ...
LOT 158: "Therefore, everything about Judaism will come to me..." A long letter of recommendation in handwriting and signed by the Gaon Rabbi Hananiah Yom Tov to Lipa Galdman Rabbi Neifest - 1932. "Therefore, everything about Judaism will come to me..." A long letter of recommendation in handwriting and ...
LOT 159: A long and important letter from Rabbi Yehuda Zvi Blum, Rabbi of Haneshavits - writes his innovations to his father Rabbi Amram Baal Beit Shearim - 1902 ר' יהודה צבי - אב"ד האנשאוויץ. בעל שו"ת שארית יהודה. חתן הרב ישעיה ארנפלד משוראני. בתו נישאה לרב עקיבא גלזנר.
LOT 160: Letter by Rabbi Moredechai Meir Banett of Szombathely (Steinamanger) - 1929 רבי מרדכי מאיר בנעט (בנדיקט), אב"ד שטיינמאנגר. (תרי"ח-תש"ד). בן רבי אשר לעמיל. כיהן כאב"ד יאקא, סאמבאטהעלי-שטיינמאנגר. תלמיד מרן ה'שבט סופר'. נהרג עקד"ה בשואה, הי"ד.
LOT 161: Letter by R. Z. A. Y Ya'akov Meislish Rabbi of Łask - Uncle of the Binyan Duvid רבי צבי אריה יהודה יעקב מייזליש, נולד בשנת תרי"א [1851] בשאדיק שבפולין, לאביו רבי יצחק אייזיק אלימלך. נודע כרבה של לאסק במשך כשישים שנה, כאחד מגדולי הדור בנגלה ובנסתר וכבעל הוראה בכל מקצועות התורה. מחבר ספר ש"ת ...
LOT 162: Letter signed by Rav Yosef Yehoshua Gross, Son-in-law of the Gaon Rav Shaul Brach. The Gaon and Chassid Rav Yosef Yehoshua Gross- son-in-law of the Gaon Rav Shaul Brach. He was one of the elite students of his Yeshiva, and was a disciple of the Rav Hakadosh Rav Yechezkel Panet of Dej, author ...
LOT 163: "Regarding how to write the city "Niradhaza" on a divorce" - a long letter to Rabbi Shalom Wieder Abd Niradhaz. "Regarding how to write the city "Niradhaza" on a divorce" - a long letter from Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac of Mishkaltz to Rabbi Shalom Wieder Abd Niradhaz "בענין האיך כותבים העיר ...
LOT 164: "In the name of two thousand Talmudim" - historical letter! From the Tomchi Yeshivot - with the signature of the founder Rabbi Shmuel Danatah, and Rabbi Elazar Eliyahu HaCohen Shpitzer מכתב 3 עמודים אל רבני אגודת ישראל בארה"ב, בו הרבנים מתחננים לבוא לעזר להישיבה רבינו הגה"ק רבי שמואל דאנאטה ...
LOT 165: Letter from Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Friedman, abd Újpest (new Pest) 1913 Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Friedman, was born to his father Rabbi Yitzchak Eizik Friedman abd Nyíregyháza. Student of the Yeshiva in Pressburg, Was Rav in the Orthodox community in New-Pest in the years 1904-1933.
LOT 166: Letter handwritten by R. Avraham Shalom Yerucham Friedman (married to the granddaughter of R. Yitzchak Böhm; later rabbi of Turcz), . Letter handwritten by R. Avraham Shalom Yerucham Friedman (married to the granddaughter of R. Yitzchak Böhm; later rabbi of Turcz),
LOT 167: "Please send a kilo of dirt from the Land of Israel" Autograph letter signed by R. Yosef Meir Hakohen Steiner, rabbi of Ilok, [author of Afikei Mayim, son-in-law of R. Hillel Le"sh (Lichtenstein) of Kolomiye]. Ilok (today Croatia) 1932 . "Please send a kilo of dirt from the Land of Israel" ...
LOT 168: Rare! Founding letter of the "Chasam Sofer" yeshiva building - "in the year 1940 marks the hundredth anniversary of the Passing of our Rabbi the Chasam Sofer... the expenses for the building increased to approximately 60,000 dollars" - with the signature of Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer . ...
LOT 169: Letter of Torah Novellae from Rabbi David Wesseli, AB"D Pressburg; . Letter of Torah Novellae from Rabbi David Wesseli, AB"D Pressburg; Long letter including Torah novellae, handwritten by Rabbi David Wesseli, Av Beis Din of Pressburg. Rabbi David Wesseli (1868 - 1942) son of Rabbi Eliyahu ...
LOT 170: A two-page long letter - Torah innovations - handwritten and signed by the Gaon Rabbi Shimshon Tenin Av Beit Din of Bârlad Rabbi Shimshon Tenin Av Beit Din of Bârlad (Romania), [author of Ziv HaShemesh].
LOT 171: Long Letter of Novellae from Rabbi Wolf Bonda of Serdaheli, Disciple of the Chassam Sofer, 1845 . Long Letter of Novellae from Rabbi Wolf Bonda of Serdaheli, Disciple of the Chassam Sofer, 1845 Rabbi Wolfe Bonda was the nephew of the illustrious Machatzis Hashekel and a close disciple of the ...
LOT 172: Long Innovation Letter Written and Signed by Rabbi Elyakim Getz Schwerin Abd Baia Rabbi Elyakim Getz Hakohen Schwerin, Av Beit Din of Baia (1860-1852, Otzar Harabbanim 2759) was born in Schwerin, he was the disciple of Rabbi Yosef from Posen who is the son in law of the “Noda’ Bi-Yehudah”. ...
LOT 173: A letter from the Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu Menachem Guitein Abd Hadies - to the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Friend, a student of the chasam Sofer. . A letter from the Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu Menachem Guitein Abd Hadies - to the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Friend, a student of the chasam Sofer. הגאון רבי אליהו מנחם גויטיין ...
LOT 174: 6 letters from rabbis and important people to the greatest of the generation, Rabbi Eliyahu Gottmacher HaTzadik of Graditz - 1866 - 1874 - not researched
LOT 175: Manuscript 108 Sides - Sermons on Shas "By The great Rabbi Aryeh Leib ben HaGaon, the famous Rabbi Mordechai - who used to sit on the rabbinical throne here in Tiktin א - כט י - לה
LOT 176: And if it were not of my father Hagaon... and pray for me then I would be lost in my case" an important letter from the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Binyamin Kluger of Brad to Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Toivash of Berlad - Brady 1866 in the life of his father Rabbi Shlomo Kluger הגאון רבי אברהם בנימין קלוגר ...
LOT 177: Extremely Historic! Long letter in the original handwriting and Signed of Rabbi Mordechai Benet - Adar 1826 Niklesburg - about the appointment of a rabbi - mentions his student Rabbi Leib Schwab ספר המרדכי עם ביאור מרדכי מרבי מרדכי בנט, ווין תקע"ג - מהדורה ראשונה בסוף הספר מכתב ארוך בעצם כתב ...
LOT 178: A special letter from the Rabbi Yitzchak Mordechai Rabinowitz of Palavna, About printing the sefurim of his Grandfather the Tiferes Shlomo Rabbi Yitzhak Mordechai Rabinowitz, the Siach Yitzhak (died in 1939) was the son of the Admor Rabbi Zvi Meir HaKohen and grandson of the Admor Rabbi ...
LOT 179: "Let his word be sent and he will be healed" - a letter from the Rebbe Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar - with huge blessings נשלח אל הרה"ח ר' צבי פנחס בן ברכה האדמו"ר הוסיף את המילים: "ידידו דו"ש באה"ר" וחותם את שמו The Admor Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar [1887-1979], son of the Kedushat ...
LOT 180: A letter in medical matters from the Rabbi Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kohn of the Toldos Ahron . A letter in medical matters from the Rabbi Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kohn of the Toldos Ahron Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kohn was the founder of the Toldos Ahron chassidic dynasty, son-in-law of Rabbi ...
LOT 181: "And they will be protected from pestilences and fires and from infirmities " a holy and rare letter from Rabbi Pinchas of Zinkov - the grandson of the righteous from Tolna and Zinkov - a letter to the residents of Grading regarding adding to the Beit Midrash . "And they will be protected from ...
LOT 182: The Holy Admor Rabbi Mordechai Goldman of Zvhil - And his son Rabbi Duvid -to his wedding The Holy Admor Rabbi Mordechai Goldman of Zvhil (1905-1979) was born to his father the Holy miracle-worker Rabbi Gedalya Moshe of Zvhil the successor of the Holy Rav Rabbi Shlomke of Zvhil. The close ...
LOT 183: Letter from Rabbi of Otynia, Rabbi Yisrael Shalom Yoseph Hager . Letter from Rabbi of Otynia, Rabbi Yisrael Shalom Yoseph Hager Signed by Rabbi of Otynia, Rabbi Yisrael Shalom Yoseph Hager. Admor Rabbi Yisroel Shalom Yosef of Otinyaֲ [1884-1944] was the author ofֲ Nefesh Yishai, son and ...
LOT 184: A special and historical letter from Rabbi Avraham Elimelech of Karlin "May God help us to come to our land this summer..." Hrh"k Rabbi Avraham Elimelech of Karlin [1892-1932] was the son of Hrh"k Rabbi Yisrael of Karlin and continued the holy ways of his father in the city of Stolin and ...
LOT 185: Letter with blessings for good health handwritten by the holy Rav Rabbi Moseh of Stolin, the youngest son of the holy Rav the Yanuka 'The Frankfurter' Rabbi Yisroel of Karlin-Stolin and with his handwritten signature. . Letter with blessings for good health handwritten by the holy Rav Rabbi ...
LOT 187: An exceptionally rare item! Invitation to the marriage of Rabbi Shalom OF APTA son of Rabbi Yissachar Dov of Belza with the signature of Rebbetzin Sheindel Perlov, wife of The Yenika of Stalin . An exceptionally rare item! Invitation to the marriage of Rabbi Shalom OF APTA son of Rabbi ...
LOT 188: HISTORIC! Kvitel - Pitkei DeRachamei - What Rabbi Eliezer Zusia of Skulen wrote to the Rabbi of Pashkan - "To be saved from every obstacle and mistake of the teaching and that he should be able to pay all debts Easy" . HISTORIC! Kvitel - Pitkei DeRachamei - What Rabbi Eliezer Zusia of Skulen ...
LOT 190: Holy Treasure! A long list for the distribution of Money to important people from the Land of Israel, handwritten and signed by Rabbi Aharon Moshe Leifer, the beloved son of Rabbi Mordechai of Nadvorna . Holy Treasure! A long list for the distribution of Money to important people from the Land ...
LOT 191: Handwritten Letter from Rabbi Shlomo Benzion Twersky, the "Yenuka of Chernobyl, " . Handwritten Letter from Rabbi Shlomo Benzion Twersky, the "Yenuka of Chernobyl, " Letter of blessing from the Admor Rabbi Shlomo Benzion Twersky addressed to his followers. The letter clearly showcases the ...
LOT 192: Scarce! For the first time in Auction a letter from the miraculous Rabbi Zaida Meir Shmelaner "We would like to inform him that I am going to London these days" . Scarce! For the first time in Auction a letter from the miraculous Rabbi Zaida Meir Shmelaner "We would like to inform him that I am ...
LOT 193: A letter by Rabbi Chaim Yedidya Ungar and his great father Reb Shmuel Dovid Ungar AB"D Nitra. . מכתב מהבה"ח רבי חיים ידידיה אונגאר והוספה חשובה בכתב יד וחתימת אביו רבי שמואל דוד אונגר אב"ד נייטרא. תרצ"ה תוכן: מכתב חידושי תורה לרבו רבי יוסף צבי דושינסקיא וסיים: "ברכת שמחת יום טוב וכשרן פסח ...
LOT 194: A long letter from Rabbi Shalom Moshe Halevi Ungar, Rabbi of Neitra, to Rabbi Shaya Gross of Kerestir on the occasion of becoming Admor of Kerestir Rabbi Shalom Moshe Ungar of Nitra (1916-2003) was a talmudist and a Holocaust rescue worker in Slovakia. He was a descendent of the Abarbanel ...
LOT 195: A document signed by the holy Rav Rabbi David of Rachmistrivka - 1942. . A document signed by the holy Rav Rabbi David of Rachmistrivka - 1942. The document is a receipt signed by the holy Rav Rabbi David in 1942. The holy Rav Rabbi David of Rachmistrivka [1872-1950] the son of the holy Rav ...
LOT 196: A long letter handwritten and signed by R. Avraham Abbish Kaner Rebbe of Czchow - "To send an etrog to the Rebbe of Sanz who now lives in Paris" . A long letter handwritten and signed by R. Avraham Abbish Kaner Rebbe of Czchow - "To send an etrog to the Rebbe of Sanz who now lives in Paris" ...
LOT 197: Letter from The holy Rav the 'Pnei Menachem' of Ger: "We thank you for the gift for my dear son's wedding" - Jerusalem 1969 . Letter from The holy Rav the 'Pnei Menachem' of Ger: "We thank you for the gift for my dear son's wedding" - Jerusalem 1969 The holy Rav the 'Pnei Menachem' of Ger ...
LOT 198: A letter from Admor Reb Meir Leifer of Ungvar (Nadvorna-Temeshvar-Munkatch) - 1930 . A letter from Admor Reb Meir Leifer of Ungvar (Nadvorna-Temeshvar-Munkatch) - 1930
LOT 199: A letter from the genius Rabbi Akiva Sofer - about a book by Rabbi Yoda Greenwald Abdek Satmar Rabbi Akiva Sofer (1878-1959) served as the ab”d of Pressburg and rosh yeshiva of the Pressburg yeshiva. He was the son of the Shevet Sofer, son of the Ksav Sofer, son of the Chasam Sofer. He began ...
LOT 200: Lengthy Hamlatzah Letter by the famed Gaon Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyomin Sofer the author of the Chashav Sofer . Lengthy Hamlatzah Letter by the famed Gaon Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyomin Sofer the author of the Chashav Sofer The renowned Gaon Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyomin Sofer Gaon Av Beis ...
LOT 201: Extraordinary letter by the Holy Rebbe Yisroel of Chortkov with many blessings for good health & prosperity - Wien 1923 . Extraordinary letter by the Holy Rebbe Yisroel of Chortkov with many blessings for good health & prosperity - Wien 1923 The Holy Rebbe Yisroel Freidman of Chortkov ...
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