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April 26th Fine Art, Antiques, Porcelain and more. Join use online for an exciting mix or Country and English furniture, rugs, lighting, fine art, porcelain, glass, pottery, clocks silver, eclectic and decorative items, plus much more
LOTTO 1: Shu"t Hari"m, Yozefaf, 1867 - first edition - Segula Sefer to stop an epidemic! Shu"t Hari"m, Responsa of the Rebbe Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Alter the Hidushei Hari"m of Gur. First edition, published by his grandson the Sefat Emet, Yozefaf, 1867 Segula Sefer to stop an epidemic! Stamp and ...
LOTTO 2: Three volumes of 'Sefat Emet' on Mo'ed, first editions - Warsaw, 1927-1931 - preserved copies - all of Mo'ed 1. Sefat Emet on Tractates of Shabbat and Eiruvin, by Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Leib of Gur, Warsaw 1927 113 pages. 2-3. Sefat Emet Tractates of Pesachim, Beitza, Rosh Hashanah, Yoma ...
LOTTO 3: Sefer Sha'ar Ha'Mizrach - Sefer Ha'ma'arvi, answering the Mizrachi questions on Rashi, by Rabbi Avraham Stern, a disciple of the Noda Be'Yehuda. First edition, Prague 1792 The copy of the Gaon Rabbi Avigdor Halevi Ables zt'l Owner's signatures: 'ליפמן בה"ג ז"ל' 'גדליה ליב ראב נר"ו' The ...
LOTTO 4: Sefer Olat Chodesh, by the student of the Maggid of Koznitz Rabbi Sinai Sapir Av Beit Din of Brezin. Hasidic sermons arranged according to the months of the year. First edition, Warsaw, 1847 Rabbi Y.'s ownership registration in pencil on the cover of the book. Ownership stamp of Rabbi ...
LOTTO 5: Sefer Millim Le'Eloha, by Rabbi Yehuda Leib Minden, first edition, Berlin, 1760 - copy of the Gaon Rabbi Alexander Dan Yudkevich, author of the Orakh Mishor Owner's signatures: 'צבי הירש רויט קאפ' 'צבי הירש ב"ר דוב מנאשעלסק' The Gaon Rabbi Alexander Dan Yudkevich is the author of the book ...
LOTTO 6: Siddur Rinna u'Tefila, Redelheim edition, 1824 - a miniature copy, kept in an original box for preservation. Ownership signature 'אליהו צבי בן יום טוב..' The Siddur includes prayers throughout the year, Yamim Nora'im, special prayers and the reading of the Monday and Thursday passages ...
LOTTO 7: תורת חיים (חלקים א-ב) - לאדמו"ר האמצעי. ווארשא, תרכ"ו [1866]. מהדורה ראשונה של חלק שני. Sefer Torat Haim The Middle Rebbe's essays on Genesis based on the Alter Rebbe's short Ma'amarimA volume with two parts: Part I: Bereshit - Hayei Sara, second edition. Part II: Toldot - Vayekhi, first ...
LOTTO 8: Sefer Keter Shem Tov on the Tora, by Rabbi Shem Tov Melamed, Venice, 1601 - first and rare edition - early owner signatures in Sephardic handwriting. Signatures: 'דובער זילברמאן מ"מ' ורבי משה מרדכי ישראל ריבקינד. 136, 16 pages. Good condition-. Stains and damp spots, including ...
LOTTO 9: Sefer Hazon La'Mo'ed, Commentary on the book of Daniel by Rabbi Shmuel son of Yehuda Valirio - First Edition, Venice 1586 - Signature of ownership Printed by Joan Di Gara, "with letters of the Bonbirgo[!]". Rabbi Shmuel Valirio, a great genius and a distinguished and famous doctor, one of ...
LOTTO 10: Tractates of Sh'vuot and Avoda Zara, published by the Shapira family, grandsons of the Rabbi of Slavita, Zitamir, 1858. Copy of the Rabbis of the Hamburger Segal family in Jerusalem, handwritten glosses Tractate of Shavuot: [2] 2-72, 287-322 pages. Tractate of Avoda Zara: [2], 99, [1], 14 ...
LOTTO 11: Tractate Bava Kama, edition of the Shapira family, grandsons of the Rabbi of Slavita, Zitamir, 1858 A copy of the rabbis of the Hamburger Segal family in Jerusalem, handwritten proofs - two title pages per tractate [2], 2-152, 28, 2-62 pages. Medium-good condition. Cover worn, front ...
LOTTO 12: A volume of Tractates of Kiddushin and Nedarim, published by the Shapira family, grandsons of the Rabbi of Slavita, Zitamir, 1864 A copy of the Rabbis of the Segal Hamburger family in Jerusalem. Kiddushin: one gate.[1] 1-100, 19, [1], 4, 206-254 pages. Nedarim: [1], 2-91, 21 pages. ...
LOTTO 13: Tanakh, Torah Prophets and Scriptures - Geneva edition, printing by Kafa Ilan 1618 - in the part of the scriptures the year of printing is indicated as the year 1614! - Ownership records, and glosses in foreign language along all the pages. 2-369, 124 pages. The title page of the Torah is ...
LOTTO 14: A single consensus from Rabbi Yeshailah of Kerestir: Divrei Shi"r. Kleinwardine, 1824. First print. rare. A fine copy re-bound in leather. At the top of the book are the agreements of the great Hungarian rabbis, among them a very rare and unique agreement from Rabbi Yeshaya of Kerestir ...
LOTTO 15: Blessing plaque, by the Alter Rebbe - Zalkva, 1801 - printed in the lifetime of the author, the Alter Rebbe Copy missing title page. Before us is the first edition, which was brought to print by the famous Hasidic printer Rabbi Ya'akov son of Naftali Hertz of Brod, who printed the book of ...
LOTTO 16: A rare page, Presubscriber approval by the holy Rabbi Yehoshua Heshil of Lublin [Biala] to the sefer Divrei Bina by Rabbi Yitzhak Ya'akov of Biala. Mezritch, 1907 An extremely rare page, in which there is a confirmation of the acceptance of a transaction on the holy Sefer Imrei Bina to Rabbi ...
LOTTO 17: A volume of important books with the signatures of Rabbi Moshe Sofer of Zibenbergen - including the book She'erit Zion by Rabbi Ben Zion of Shlez, a copy with a very rare cover - including a special poem on the cover page in honor of the centenary of the birth of minister Moshe Montefiore. ...
LOTTO 18: Sefer Ha'Hasidut, Warsaw, 1922 - a copy of the Minchat Elazar of Munkatsch. Warsaw, 1922. Second edition. Ha'Tsfira print. On the cover of the book and between the pages are the stamps of the Rebbe of Munkatsch, author of the 'Minchat Elazar'! The book 'Ha'Hasidut' by Avraham Kahana ...
LOTTO 19: Book of Exodus, Vienna, 1808 - the copy of the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Yisrael Deitsch, author of Ben Garni - additional early ownership records Book of Exodus, Vienna edition, printed by Anton Schmid, 1808 - the seal of Rabbi Yosef Israel Deitsch, author of the book Ben Garni. Additional ...
LOTTO 20: A beautiful letter from the holy Gaon Rabbi Shimon Sofer of Erloi, author of Hito'rerut Teshuva to Rabbi Binyamin Halevi of Jerusalem, Erloi, 1940 The letter is in square Rashi script so that the recipient, who was a Sephardi, could read it, he informs Rabbi Halevi that he is sending the ...
LOTTO 21: A nice letter from Rabbi Shmuel Ehrenfeld of Mattersdorf - New York 1941 Official paper with the rabbi's details in Hebrew and English with his address in New York. The recommendation was given to his beloved student R. Aharon Yuda Wallner from the descendants of Rabbi Aharon Singer Av Beit ...
LOTTO 22: The letter of the Great Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Koshlavitz, head of Yeshiva Torah Va'Da'at, a letter full of knowledge and sharpness on the subject of kashering a frying. Bronx, undated. Rabbi Shmuel Koshlavitz was one of the greatest Torah and religious leaders in the USA. Born in Slabodka ...
LOTTO 23: 'A year of livelihood, a year of contentment and pleasure and everything good' - a special letter, a bunch of blessings for a happy new year from Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Perlov of Carlin the 'Detroiter Rabbi' - a nice handwritten letter, written on top of a happy new year letter from The Detroit ...
LOTTO 24: 'Healthy livelihood and happiness and a Hatima Tova' - a special letter, blessings for a new year from Rabbi Yaakov Haim Perlov of Carlin the 'Detroiter Rabbi' - a beautiful handwritten letter by the Rebbe's secretary, signed by the Rebbe. Written on top of a New Year's letter from the Detroit ...
LOTTO 25: 'The Lord will help us in the work of our hands, that we may do it and succeed' a sermon for the Haftara of Shabbat Teshuvah in the holy handwriting of the hidden tzaddik the holy Shoemaker - with many wonderful blessings "We wished that the lord would help us in the deed of our hands ...
LOTTO 26: סגולה: קש (שטרוי) עליו עמד האדמו"ר רבי אהרן מבעלזא זיע"א ביום הכיפורים תשט"ז. An object of holiness. The custom of the Rebbe of Belz for generations was to place straw (in Yiddish: stroi) at their feet on Yom Kippur, on which they used to stand for the duration of the day's prayers. After the ...
LOTTO 27: Four pages in the handwriting of Rabbi Eliyahu Gottmacher 'Der Greiditzer Tsadik' In his words, the righteous man extends a wonderful length on the matters of God's mercy on David and God's forgiveness of his sin, the virtue of charity. And lofty words concerning Elijah on Mount Carmel where ...
LOTTO 28: Sefer Yir'a Ve'Ahava, handwritten by the author Rabbi Shmuel Aharon Rubin Av Beit Din of Kortshin, a favorite student of the Divrei Haim of Zanz who edited his answers for print. Twenty-eight consecutive pages, all in his holy handwriting! Twenty-eight pages from his composition 'Yir'a ...
LOTTO 29: Discovery! The book Hezkat Chaim by the holy genius Rabbi Chaim Kitze [Schlesinger] Av Beit Din Irsha - Simanim 11-16 from his lost composition 'Hezkat Chaim' in the handwriting of his Holiness of blessed memory A scholars holiday!! the revelation of writings from the book 'Hezkat Haim' by ...
LOTTO 30: Hakdamot Ve'She'arim - glosses by the author of the 'Leshem' in his holy hand, and the seal of his accepted student Rabbi Aharon Shlomo Maharil Maran HaGaon, the divine kabbalist Rabbi Shlomo Elyashov (1841-1926) was one of the greatest Ashkenazi kabbalists in Jerusalem. He authored several ...
LOTTO 31: A page in the sacred handwriting of Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Shklov - matters of the Creator's leadership in the world and the holy names, and the purpose of man's creation in the world In his words, he evaluates with sublime words about the Torah that is taught to man, matters of good and ...
LOTTO 32: 'Everywhere they will turn to, they will succeed for good and blessing' Sefer Kehilot Ya'akov, a beautiful handwritten dedication by the Steipler dedicated with wonderful blessings to Rabbi Avraham Haim Carmel in honor of his marriage. The Steipler (1899-1985): one of the greatest rabbis and ...
LOTTO 33: Hiddushei Maharam Hallava, Jerusalem 1873 - a copy of Maran the Hafetz Chaim, signed and proofread in his holy handwriting On the cover of the book is a signature of his hand, 'להר"ר ישראל מאיר הכהן מראדין' and inside the book is a theoretical proofreading in his own hand. Hiddushei ...
LOTTO 34: Sifra De'Tsniuta, with Bei'ur Ha'Gra - first edition, Vilna and Hordana 1830 - copy of the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Leib Tiktinsky, head of the Mir Yeshiva for decades. The first book of the Gra's Kabbalah letters to be printed Sifra De'Tsniuta, with Bei'ur Ha'Gra. First Edition. Vilna and ...
LOTTO 35: Sefer Be'rikhat Ha'Melech - the copy of the Steipler and his son Rabbi Haim Kanievsky, with the author's dedication. New York, 1971. Single edition. Sefer Be'rikhat Ha'Melech, Hiddushim on sefer Ha'Mitzvot of the Ramban matzot and in it will be explained issues and methods in Babylonian and ...
LOTTO 36: Marriage certificate with the signatures of Mara De'ar'a De'Yisrael Rabbi Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld zt'l and Rabbi Yosef Zvi Selant. In front of us is a marriage certificate signed by Rabbi Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld on official blank paper of the 'City Council for the Ashkenazi Congregation'. ...
LOTTO 37: Discovery! The letter of the appointment of the Gaon Rabbi Pinchas Schreiber as Av Beit Din of Kiryat Sefer, signed by Rabbi Shteinman, Rabbi Elyashiv, Rabbi Haim Kanievsky and Rabbi Michal Yehuda Lefkowitz - an appointment that did not come to fruition A rare letter signed by the great men ...
LOTTO 38: A wonderful letter from the Mashgiach Rabbi Shlomo Volbe, in which his love for his students and his concern for them is evident, like a father to son! Be'er Ya'akov, 1950 In the letter, Rabbi Volbe details the son's problems, who since arriving at the Yeshiva has not been feeling well ...
LOTTO 39: A prayer page 'for the one who cannot have a child'. A Segula for bearing children. Before us are 3 pages of a moving prayer for a woman who did not bear children. The prayer is written in super handsome and square script in thick black ink with punctuation under the words. Good condition. ...
LOTTO 40: A page of Torah Hiddushim on the book Minchat Hinuch by the Gaon The Ader"t, Hiddushim that were renewed for him on the holiday of Shavuot 1902 A page of Torah Hiddushim in the handwriting of the Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu Rabinowitz Teumim, known as the Adere"t - a list of notes divided into ...
LOTTO 41: A collection of four congratulatory letters in the name of the Rebbe the Rayat"z, signed by the secretary 1. A nice letter, congratulations for livelihood and matchmaking, on the secretary's official letterhead. Warsaw, Iyar, 5695. Signed with the signature of the secretary, Rabbi Yehezkel ...
LOTTO 42: Two letters from the Rebetzin Menucha Naomi, wife of the Rebbe, Rabbi Chaim Moshe Yehoshua Schneerson-Tversky - 1930's Both letters are written in Yiddish, in her handwriting and with her signature. One of them is from the year 1937, and the other without an exact date (1930's). The letters ...
LOTTO 43: A rare letter from the Rebbe Rabbi Chaim Moshe Yehoshua Schneerson-Tversky - wonderous blessings A letter in his holy handwritting with the signature of the Rebbe Rabbi Chaim Moshe Yehoshua Schneerson-Tversky of Tomashpol and Koidinov, from the line of Chabad rebbes. Rabbi Chaim Moshe ...
LOTTO 44: Four 'Shana Tova' letters from the Rebbe Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Avraham Landa Malik Four letters in which are printed 'Shana Tova' blessings from the Rebbe, for the years, 1936, 1938, 1945, 1948. Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Avraham Landa was orphaned as a child by his father Rabbi Shimon Shlomo Landa Malik ...
LOTTO 46: The first Hebrew Bible printed in the United States. Part Two, Last Prophets and Scriptures. Philadelphia, 1814. Americana. Before us is the second part [Last Prophets and Scriptures] from the book of the Bible, Biblia Hebraica, Secundum Ultimam Editionem Jos. Athiae, a Johanne Leusden Denuo ...
LOTTO 47: Di Naye Shochatim Shtime. New York, 1940. Americana. Rare. Di Naye Shohatim Shtime: The New Voice of the Shohatim: a monthly magazine for Orthodox slaughtering matters. Here is a booklet published in New York in Yiddish dedicated to the matters of Jewish slaughter, in a booklet of ...
LOTTO 48: Three pages, early Ke'tubah notes printed in the USA - circa 1920s-1940s - very rare Three pages, Ke'tubah slips printed in the USA for conducting the ketubah between the groom and the bride, on one of the ketubah pages there is also a detail in English on the other side of the page. Three ...
LOTTO 49: Sefer Yad Yehuda, on P'sachim tractate, by Rabbi Yehuda Leib Av Beit Din Radhov. First edition, Lemberg, 1872 - handwritten proofreading by a scholar - a rare book Consents of great rabbis at the beginning of the book, including the Yismach Moshe םכ Ujhely. The book was published from a ...
LOTTO 50: The Hasidic exhibition - a rare booklet that includes a list of hundreds of tzaddik items, letters from the great Hasidic figures and rare Hasidic books, which were presented in the exhibition on the two hundredth anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Yisrael Ba'al Shem Tov. Tel Aviv, Elul ...
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