LOT 101: Page Chidushei Torah in the Holy hand of Rabbi Shlomo Eliezer Alfandari- The Saba Kadisha. . 2 sides. 21.3 Cm. Rabbi Shlomo Eliezer Alfandari (ca. 1813-1930), was one of the most distinguished Rabbonim in Turkey. A tremendous Talmid Chochom and Mekubal, in his youth, he corresponded with R. ...
LOT 102: Manuscript of the Gaon Rabbi Raphael Chaim Ben Attar a Dayan in Marrakech. Bnei Reuven, Livorno 1864. Single edition. . Sefer Bnei Reuven, on the Torah and Haftarot, by Rabbi Maimon ben Rabbi Reuven Abu. Livorno, 1864. Single edition. At the press of Shlomo Bilforti and Friend. Tittle page ...
LOT 103: Large original Responsa in the Holy hand & signature of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Glick Ab”d Tolcsva to The Gaon Rabbi Gershon Litsch Segal Rosenbaum Ab''d Tallya. 1878. . . Tolcsva, 1878. 2 Sides, 31.8 Cm. Unlike most of the manuscripts that exist in the world today, which are copies ...
LOT 104: Responsa in the Holy hand & signature of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Glick Ab”d Tolcsva. . Possibly differs from the printed version. The Famous Gaon Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Glick av”d Tolcsva, author of Yad Yitzchak (1826-1909) was a prominent Hungarian rabbi and leading halachic ...
LOT 105: Very Large Collection of Chidushei Torah by the Gaon & Tzadik Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Bahara"n. . Very large collectioמ consisting of 104 written sides in the Holy hand of the famous Gaon & Tzadik Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Bahara"n & his family. Letter by Rabbi Shlomo ZAlman, also signed by his ...
LOT 106: Manuscript of lectures given at the Frankfurt Yeshiva 1933-1940. . Large volume manuscript Shiurim apparently given at the Frankfurt Yeshiva. Hebrew & German. We haven't been able to identify the writer. Some dates he notes ''28 Adar the Yartzeit of my father, 1934'' , ''10 Nisan the ...
LOT 107: Proofreading Pg. of the Sefer "Min Hameitzar" with long handwritten corrections by the author Rabbi Michoel Ber Weissmandl of Nitra. . Proofreading Pg. of the Sefer "Min Hameitzar" with long handwritten corrections by the author Rabbi Michoel Ber Weissmandl of Nitra. The author added long new ...
LOT 108: Proofreading Pg. of the Sefer "Min Hameitzar" with many handwritten corrections by the author Rabbi Michoel Ber Weissmandl of Nitra. . The author added many new paragraphs, completely changed the layout, as well as erased some parts. Printed with many variances in his famous book 'Min ...
LOT 109: Chiddushei Torah in the hand of the Gaon Maran Rabbi Elazar Menachem Mann Shach. . . 4 written sides. The Great Gaon Rabbi Elozor Menachem Mann Shach (1898-2001), was born in Lithuania and studied in the great Yeshivos of Ponevezh, Slabodka and Slutzk. He taught in the Kletsk Yeshiva in ...
LOT 110: Handwritten pages by Sar Hatorah Reb Chaim Kanievsky Zt”l from his popular Sefer All Hatorah! . On Parshiyot Hatorah, Chamesh Megilot & Nach. 6 Pages written on one side of the page. 20 Cm. Reb Chaim's Holy handwriting on the Torah is Very Rare! Printed in his Sefer Lamechsa Atik. ...
LOT 111: Signature of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Aryeh Leib Sirkes Rabbi of Krakow & Brest- Author of Shu''t Sha'agat Aryeh. Beit Aharon, Frankfurt am Oder 1690. First edition. . Sefer Beit Aharon, references to all biblical verses, by Rabbi Aharon son of Shmuel. Frankfurt am Oder, [1690]. First edition. ...
LOT 112: Copy of the Holy Rebbe Tzvi Hirsch Mendel Auerbach of Anipoli & Dinovitz son of Rebbe Zusha of Anipoli? Noda BiYehuda, First Edition, Prague 1776. . Shut Noda BiYehuda, Mahadura Kama, part 1, by the great Gaon Rabbi Yechezkel Segal Landau, Av Beit Din of Prague, known as the Noda BiYehuda. ...
LOT 113: Signature of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Betzalel Margolies Rabbi of Ostroh, Yalkut Shimoni, Chassidic Edition. Polonnoye 1804. . Sefer Yalkut Shimoni, on Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim. Polonnoye, 1805. Yosef HaCohen printing press [and Shmuel the printer]. Two parts. With Chassidic Approbations by the ...
LOT 114: Pa’amon V’Rimon by the Ramak First Edition. Amsterdam 1708.- Signatures of the Holy Rabbi Yossele Lichtig-Charif Rabbi of Zborov- Copy of Rabbi Naftali Teitelbaum of Nyirbator & his Son-in-law Rabbi Chaim Uri Glicklich of Nyirbator . Sefer Pa’amon V’Rimon. Kitzur of Pardes Rimonim by the Ramak ...
LOT 115: Authors dedication by the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Leib Kauder Ravad Prague to his disciple Rabbi Daniel Frank Ab''d Kolin. Important marginallia! . Sefer Olat Shmuel. Responsa on Orach Chaim by Rabbi Shmuel Yuda, Known as Shmuel Leib Kauder, Resident of Prague, who Lives among his People with Torah ...
LOT 116: Inscription by the Gaon Rabbi Abraham Eiger son of Rabbi Avika Eiger- Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Esra Apolant Ab''d Jastrowie. Marganita Shapira. Only Edition, Amsterdam 1767. . Sefer Marganita Shapira, homilies on the topic of Shofar blowing, by R. Avraham Oppenheim. Amsterdam: Gerard Johann ...
LOT 117: Copy of the Gaon Rabbi David Zvi Ehrenfeld, Son-in-law of Maran the Chatam Sofer. Sha'agat Aryeh, Vienna 1809. . Sefer Sha'agat Aryeh, Vienna, 1809. This is essentially the Brunn 1807 edition, issued with a new title page. Long & interesting ownership inscription attesting ownership by ...
LOT 118: Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Bing rabbi of Würzburg. . Sefer Shut Harahsba part 3, Livorno, 1778. First Edition. With signature on the title page הקטן אברהם בינגא סג"ל. Another antique signature. Antique marginal notations. The Gaon Rabbi Avraham Bing (1752-1841), leader of the ...
LOT 119: Dedication by the Gaon Rabbi Elazar Horwitz Ab''d Vienna when he 11 years old! Copy of his father the Gaon Rabbi David Heschel HaLevi Horowitz Ab''d Frauenkirchen- Glosses by the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Gordon of Southport. Sha'ar HaMelech- Ta'am HaMelech, First Edition, Brunn 1801-1803. . Sefer ...
LOT 120: Copy of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Chizkiyahu Feivel Plaut of Surany- Signature of his Brother in law & disciple Rabbi Binyomin Seidlel, rabbi of Galanta. Selichot for Shovavim, Vienna 817. Very Rare! . Please see Hebrew description for full details of this special copy. The Gaon Rabbi Chizkiyahu ...
LOT 121: Authors Dedication of the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ullman Ab''d Mako to The Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zilberstein Ab''d Sarkad. . Sefer Yeriot Shlomo by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ullmann, Rabbi of Mako. First edition. Vienna, 1854. First Edition. Halachic novellae for the first part of Yoreh Deah. Title ...
LOT 122: Chemdat Shlomo Responsa, First Edition, Warsaw 1836- Copy of his Son in law Rabbi Refael Zev HaLevi Lewenthal Rabbi of Zakroczym & his son Rabbi Avigdor Yehuda Halevi Rabbi of Błaszki. . Please study pictures well & see Hebrew description for full details. [4], 97,117, [1], 107 Leaves. 36 Cm.
LOT 123: Copy of the Holy Rebbe Shalom of Kaminka and of his Grandson, Rebbe Elazar of Oshpitzin, Son-in-law of the Divrei Chaim. . Sefer Tur Orach Chaim with the Bach commentary. Międzybóż, 1818. Approbation of Rebbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel Rabbi of Apta and Medzhibozh. Flyleaf with antique ...
LOT 124: Copy of the publisher The holy Rebbe Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam of Shinova. Or HaChammah, First Edition, Jerusalem 1879. Sefer Or HaChammah - elucidation of Sefer HaZohar, Part 2 on Sefer Shmot by Rabbi Avraham Azoulay (I), author of Chessed L'Avraham and great-great-grandfather of the ...
LOT 125: Copy of the Holy Rebbe Shlomo Shapiro Rabbi of Strzyżów & Munkacs - The ''Shem Shlomo''. . Sefer Parshat Derachim. Twenty six homilies and studies by Rabbi Yehudah Rosanes, Av Beit Din of Constantinople, author of Mishneh L'Melech. Zolkiew, 1799. Several handstamps ''Shlomo Shapiro Rabbi of ...
LOT 126: Inscription & signature of The Holy Rebbi Shmuel Zvi Weiss of Munkacs - Copy of The Holy Rebbe Zvi Hirsh Shapira the Darkei Teshuva of Munkacs. . Biur Al HaRaya M’Hemna. First Edition. Konigsberg, 1858. Commentary of the Gaon to the Raya M’Hemna. With additional notes of Rabbi Moshe Shlomo of ...
LOT 127: Signature & Haggahot of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Weiss Ab''d Svaliava after his marriage in Pasika. . Sefer Shu''t Mahara''m Mintz. Lemberg, 1851. Title page with the Holy signature of the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Weiss who then lived in his Mother-in-law's house in the town of ...
LOT 128: Signature & stamp of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Weiss Ab''d Svaliava. Kiseh Rachamaim, Bibliographically unknown edition, 1869. . Sefer Kiseh Rachamaim, commentary on the Sofrim tractate and Avot tractate [as well Avot De'Rabbi Natan, with a separate title page], by the Chida. Ungvar ...
LOT 129: Copy of the Holy Rebbe Zvi Hirsh Shapira, the Darkei Teshuva of Munkacs. Marganita de-Rav, First Edition, Lvov 1883. . Sefer Marganita de-Rav, by the Gaon Rabbi Baruch Frankel Te'omim, Av Beit Din of Leipnik, Author of Baruch Ta'am. With several handstamps ''Zvi Hirsh Shapira''. The Holy ...
LOT 130: Copy of the publisher Rebbe Chaim Elazar Shapiro, Ab''d Munkacs- the Minchat Elazar. Be'er L'Chai Ro'i, Berehove 1921. First Edition. . Tikkunei HaZohar with the "Be'er L'Chai Ro'i" commentary part 3 ... according to the foundations of the introduction to the Zohar, Talmudic midrashim and the ...
LOT 131: Silver binding for Passover Haggadah of the R. Baruch Rabinowitz. . Silver binding for Passover Haggadah. Hand worked. Europe, 1930's. Engraved: מתנה שלוחה מאת אהבו לידידי ה.ג.א.ה.ג. (=הגאון הגדול) ברוך ראבינאוויטש. Possibly it says לידידי הנאהב (its difficult to ascertain if they are Gimel ...
LOT 132: Knesset HaGedola Orach Chaim. First Edition. Livorno 1658. Signatures of the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Heller Ab''d Safed & Rabbi Shlomo Yechiel Camerini of Ancona. . Sefer Knesset HaGedola Orach Chaim by Rabbi Chaim Benveniste, Av Bet Din Izmir. Livorno, 1658. First edition of Orach Chaim of Rabbi ...
LOT 133: Signatures of the Gaon & Tzadik Rabbi Shmuel Heller Rabbi of Tzfat. Artzot HaChaim by the Malbim, First Edition, Breslau, 1837. . Sefer Artzot HaChaim, on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, by Rabbi Meir Leibush Malbim, Part 1, Simanim 1-24. [Breslau, 1837]. First edition. The Malbim's first sefer ...
LOT 135: Dedication by the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Weinberger Ab''d Kleinwardein. Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Ezriel Waldman Ab''d Borsa. Tehillah LeDavid, Munkacs 1871- Several Sefarim by Rabbi Mordechai Eliezer Weber of Ada. . Sefer Tehillah LeDavid, Munkacs 1871. Only Edition. Two parts in ...
LOT 136: Copies of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Weinberger Ab''d Kleinwardein. Signatures of his grandson Rabbi Menachem Mendel Shapiro of Dragomireşti. Erchei Hakinuyim, First Edition, Dyhernfurt 1807, interesting approbation of Rebbi Levy Yitzchak of Berditchev. . Sefer Erchei Hakinuyim. By Rabbi ...
LOT 137: Signature of Rabbi Chaim Neuschloss of Pressburg son of the Gaon Rabbi Rabbi Yossef Yakov Neuschloss Ab''d Szerdahely. . Sefer Chovat Hslevvavot, Vienna, 1809. Signature of Rabbi Chaim Neuschloss of Pressburg son of the Gaon Rabbi Rabbi Yossef Yakov Neuschloss Ab''d Szerdahely. Signatures ...
LOT 138: Copy of the Holy Rebbe Moshe Hager of Radovitz. . Sefer Hechalot, Lemberg, 1864. 2 types of his handstamps: "משה האגיר מסעריטה", "משה בהרב הצדיק מק"ק סעריד". Please See Hebrew description for his biography. 13 Leaves. 18 Cm.
LOT 139: Copy of the Holy Rebbe Meir Yehudah Shapiro of Bukowsko & his son Rebbe David of Bukowsko. Nahar Pishon, Zölkow 1806. . The Holy Rebbe Meir Yehudah Shapiro, Rabbi of Bikovsk (Bukowsko; 1846-1907), son of the Tzemach David of Dinov, and grandson of the Bnei Yissachar. He was the son-in-law of ...
LOT 140: Copies of the Holy Rebbe Meir Shalom Rabinowitz of Parysów & Kałuszyn, Signatures of his son the Holy Rebbe Shmuel Mordechai Rabinowitz of Połaniec, Signature of his Son in law the Holy Rebbe Alter Moshe Halevi Epstein of Tshemilov. Magen Shaul, Salonika 1747. Very Rare! . Please study the ...
LOT 141: Signatures of the Holy Rebbe Naftali Hertz'ke of Ratzfert & his family. Eshel Avraham – Fürth 1701. . Sefer Eshel Avraham – Fürth, 1701 – Ilan Sefirot. Only Edition. Leaves 45b-46a feature full-page kabbalistic drawings depicting the progression of the Sefiros as trees with branches. Flyleaf ...
LOT 142: Copy from the library of the Holy Rebbi Aharon of Chernobyl and his son Rebbi Zusia of Chernobyl. Sha'ar Orah, Zholkva 1739. Rare! . The classic Kabbalistic Sefer Sha'ar Orah by the Kabbalist Rabbi Yosef Gikatilla, with an elucidation by Rabbi Matisyahu Delacrut. Zholkva, at the printing press ...
LOT 143: Copy of the Holy Admor Rebbe Levi Yitzchak Monson, grandson of the Holy Rebbe Yisrael of Ruzhin- Zohar Halevanah, Chernowitz, 1874. Single Edition, With golden title page! . 1. Sefer HaAruch, lacking the title page. The stamp of the Holy Admor Rebbe Levi Yitzchak Monson (1843-1918). The ...
LOT 144: Copy of the Holy Rabbi Nachum Ber'nyu of Sadigura. Mekor Chaim, Zholkva 1837. . Sefer Mekor Chaim on HIlchot Pesach by the Rav of Lissa - Zholkva, 1837. On the title page, the Hebrew and foreign stamps of 'נחום דובער פרידמאן' with the lion logo and a stamp of 'קנין כספי' which appeared in ...
LOT 145: Copy of the Holy Rebbe the Pachad Yitzchak of Boyan. Ner Yisrael by the Maggid of Kozhnitz – Lvov, ca. 1840s – First Edition – Segulah for Protection. . Sefer Ner Yisrael, by the Holy Rebbe Yisrael Hopstein – the Maggid of Kozhnitz, "wonderful commentary, Torah novellae and lofty secrets", on ...
LOT 146: Copy of the Pe'er Yisrael, Rebbe Yisrael Shalom Yosef Friedman of Bohush. Ba'al Ha-Nefesh, Berditchev 1817- Chassidic approbations. . Sefer Baal Hanefesh by Rabbeinu the Ravad, on Hilchos Nidah and Mikva'ot, with Hasagot haRazeh and Hilchot Nidah by the Ramban. Berditchev, 1817. Yisroel Bak ...
LOT 147: Copy of the Holy Rebbe Yisroel Friedman of Husyatin. Sefer Karnayim. Poritsk 1818. . Sefer Karnayim im Peirush Dan Yadin by Rabbi Shimshon of Ostropoli. Poritsk, 1818. Stamps of the Holy Rebbe Yisroel Friedman of Husyatin. The Holy Rebbi of Husiatyn was very admired by the holy Rabbi Aharon ...
LOT 148: Rare letter from the Holy Rebbe Menachem Nachum Friedman of Husiatyn-Lemberg. . L etter of advice in medical matters & blessing for a full speedy recovery. Letters by him are Extremely Rare! 23 Cm. Please see Hebrew description for biographical details of the Holy Rebbe Menachem Nachum ...
LOT 149: Marginalia by the Gaon Rabbi David Tebele Efrati rabbi of Vitebsk- Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Lewinstein rabbi of Serock. Kapot Zahav Shtayim, Only Edition Vilna-Horadna, 1836. Rare. . Sefer Kapot Zahav Shtayim by Rabbi Yosef HaCohen Rabinowitz, uncle of Rabbi Zadok HaCohen from Lublin. ...
LOT 150: The copy of the Holy Rebbe Simcha Bunim Kalish of Otwock. . Sefer Imrei Binah, Lemberg, 1883. A scarce Sefer.Several stamps of the Holy Rebbi Simcha Bunam Kalish, (1851-1917), son of Rebbi Menachem Mendal of Vorka and grandson of Rebbi Yitzchok of Warka, the father of the Warka dynasty. ...
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