المزاد 16 Ancient books, & Rabbis Letters.
بواسطة tzfunot
12 Miron St. Bnei Brak, إسرائيل
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الوحدة 56:

Halachah. Sefer Simla Chadasha: Filled with Notations and Handwritten Novellae/ Handwritten "Diney Tartey ...

السعر المبدئي:
$ 300
عمولة صالة المزادات: 23% مزيد من التفاصيل
ضريبة القيمة المضافة: 17% على العمولة فقط
المستخدمين من الدول الإجنبية قد يكونون معفيين من الضرائب، بما يتوافق مع اللوائح الضريبية الخاصة ببلدهم
9.6.24 في tzfunot

Halachah. Sefer Simla Chadasha: Filled with Notations and Handwritten Novellae/ Handwritten "Diney Tartey Lereyusa"

Sefer Simla Chadasha on the Halachos of Shechitos and Treifos - Most of the sefer's pages are decorated with long notations and novellae. At end of sefer are a number of handwritten pages on "Diney Tartey Lereyusa"

From the content of the writing, it is clear that he was a Gaon of great stature, proficient in all areas of Torah.

At beginning of sefer is an extremely important approbation from the Gaon Hakadosh, author of "Darchei Teshuva". He writes: "...and I heard from my holy master, father, teacher and Rav (customary way of saying: father) Zatzal in the name of his holy father Zatzal that it has been passed down from the tzaddikim, disciples of the Ba'al Shem Tov may his memory safeguard us, that the words of the "Simla Chadasha" can cause...to purify his soul and that no mishap should occur through him, like the words of the Zohar Hakadosh, and the shochet... which the holy sefer "Simla Chadasha" is regularly on his lips, then at the time of his shechita, the holiness of Rabbeynu, author of Simla Chadasha will save him from stumbling..."

69 [4] pages. 18 cm. Moth holes, detached pages, fragile paper, old binding with restorations. In mediocre condition.