Prime Judaica is an American Antique Judaica Company, specializing in early printed Classic Seforim, Chassidic Seforim, Rabbinical Letters and Manuscripts from famous Rabbis along with Jewish Holocaust Seforim with much more.
Prime Judaica will be having approximately 3-4 auctions yearly. Our auction will be a online auction only, on a large variety of spiritual Antique treasures.
Prime Judaica has many years of experience and strives for Honesty and Reliability.
LOT 8:
Classic Chofetz Chaim, Vilna 1873, First edition, beautiful copy!
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Sold for: $1,300
Start price:
Estimated price :
$1,600 - $1,800
Buyer's Premium: 20%
Classic Chofetz Chaim, Vilna 1873, First edition, beautiful copy!
This was the first sefer written by the Chofetz Chaim, who ultimately became known as the Chofetz Chaim after his first sefer. The sefer Chofetz Chaim was printed anonymously with the title page and the approbations without the author’s name, however (presumably for legal reasons) it does have “I. M. Kagan” in Cyrillic letters.
R' Yisrael Meir Ha’Cohen Kagan (1838-1933), was the preeminent Torah leader of his time.
He published many seforim on topics he felt needed emphasis, such as the laws of forbidden speech, family purity, tznius and daily Torah study in addition to the Mishna Berurah. He also placed importance on studying the laws of Kodshim to prepare for the arrival of Moshiach and published Likutei Halachos on Kodshim.
It is particularly rare to find the Chofetz Chaim in such fine condition, with such white paper.
Pages: 5, 1, 8-81.
Size: 21 cm.
Condition: Excellent condition.