Auction 8 Judaica
Sep 13, 2020
Estreia 978 River Ave Lakewood NJ 08701, United States

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Sold for: $1,600
Start price:
$ 300
Buyer's Premium: 22%
VAT: 8.875% On commission only

Classic commentary to the Tefilos, as well as the Haggadah, by R. Dovid Avudraham.
Comprehensive commentary on the Tefilos, quoting from the Babylonian and the Jerusalem Talmud, the Gaonim, particularly the Siddur of R. Saadiah Gaon, as well as many of the Rishonim down to his own time. This sefer remains a classic and one of the most frequently studied commentaries on the siddur.
In the introduction, he writes that he wishes to enable the general public, whom he found lacking in knowledge, with the means of using the liturgy intelligently and sincerely. To elucidate the meaning and origin of each custom connected with prayers throughout the year, he made use of all the seforim he could obtain, some of which were very rare. In addition, he gave a systematic exposition of the Hebrew calendar.
Unfortunately, little biographical information is known about The Avudraham. The CHIDA in Shem HaGedolim writes that was a pupil of Rabbeinu Yaakov Ba’al HaTurim.
Vinograd Venice 259. Adelkind for Giustiniani press. 86 pages. 26 cm. Overall very fine condition. Some staining. Slight worming mainly on the margins. Antique leather binding.
Opening bid $300

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