Vente 105: Rabbinic Autograph Letters & Passover Haggadot.
Par Kestenbaum & Company
The Brooklyn Navy Yard Building 77, 141 Flushing Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11205, États-Unis

The auction commences with a first edition of the Segulah-book "Raziel HaMalach" (Lot 1); followed by books that were owned by significant rabbis: 

R. Shlomo Ganzfried (Lot 5); The Aruch Hashulchan (Lot 6); R. Meir Shapira of Lublin (Lot 68)

The most valuable lot offered is a Sefer that was personally owned by, and has a long personal inscription in the hand of, R. Chaim Volozhiner (Lot 4).

The auction contains many excellent offerings of Autograph Letters including:

The first Rebbe of Sadigura, R. Avraham Ya'akov (Lot 13); The Chofetz Chaim (Lots 17-20); The Ohr Same’ach (Lot 41); The Kesav Sofer (Lot 58); Reb Chaim Brisker (Lot 59); The Lubavitcher Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka and her sister (Lots 50-51); and dozens more of such letters.

Autograph manuscripts of note are those from R. Menachem Mendel of Shklov (Lot 9A); The Tiferes Yisroel (Lot 40); and a 14th-century Ramba'n manuscript (Lot 9).

As per annual tradition, this pre-Pesach auction features a wide selection of Passover Hagadot:

The rare, the exotic and the curious; with examples from 1545 through until 2008.

Among particularly Early examples: Lot 87 (Venice, 1545); Lot 88 (Riva di Trento, 1561) and Lot 95 (Salonika, 1569).

Beautifully illustrated Hagadoth include: Lot 93 (Venice, 1740); Lot 85 (India, 1874) and Lot 115 (The Avner Moriah Hagadah).

Historically significant Hagadoth include Lot 72 (American/Canadian/Anglo-related) and many examples from Germany, India, Jerusalem; as well as first edition Hagadah commentaries by the Vilna Gaon (Lot 96), R. Ya'akov Emden (Lot 78); and ending with several facsimile editions. 

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LOT 14:


(Head of Eidah HaChareidis and ...

Prix de départ:
$ 300
Prix estimé :
$300 - $500
Commission de la maison de ventes: 25%
TVA: 8.875% Sur le prix complet du lot + la commission


(Head of Eidah HaChareidis and author Leflagos Reuven, 1864-1953). Typed Letter Signed, written in Hebrew to Rabbi Yosef Reines on letterhead of Yeshivat Ohel Moshe (Diskin).

A condolence letter to a donor. Signed by the directors of the yeshiva, as well as by Rabbi Bengis (on reverse).

One page.

Jerusalem, 14th Kislev, 1942.

Known in his youth as the Shnipishoker Illui (Šnipiškės, near Vilna), R. Zelig Reuven Bengis was one of the leading students of the Netziv of Volozhin who called him "a living Shas.” Following the death of R. Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, R. Bengis was invited to Jerusalem to become the Ga’avad (Head) of the Edah HaChareidis. He also served as Rosh Yeshiva of Ohel Moshe, which was founded by the Mahari’l Diskin (1818-98), and which was led (before R. Bengis’s tenure) by his son, R. Yitzchak Yerucham Diskin (1839-1925).