By Katz Auction
Aug 11, 2024
Mánesova 917/28, 120 00 Vinohrady, Czechia
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LOT 955:

Vatican A Papal Chamberlain Collar 1903 - 1914

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Buyer's Premium: 24.2%
VAT: 21% On commission only
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Auction took place on Aug 11, 2024 at Katz Auction

Vatican A Papal Chamberlain Collar 1903 - 1914
vgAE; Pope Pius X: A Papal Chamberlain Collar. The artifact is a Vatican chamberlain’s chain of office, known as a “collar,” given to the recipient by Pope St. Pius X (1903 – 1914). Only a pope could confer this coveted honor. Its design is a triple-row of belcher-link chains, interspersed with oval-shaped red paste cabochons, each centered by the monogram, ‘SC’, which stands for “Cameriere Segreti di spada e cappa”–Chamberlain of the Sword & Cape. There is a detachable pendant in the form of the Vatican coat of arms, and the fitted case has the coat of arms of Pope St. Pius X emblazoned in gold. The title, “Papal Chamberlain ” was only conferred by the Pope. It was considered to be one of the highest honors giving direct access and service to the Pope. Very few of these were awarded resulting in so few of them having become available to the public. It is definitely an incredible addition to the Collection. Stamped by Tanfani & Bertarelli; Enameled; in original case; Very rare; Condition-I (W2583)

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