European, Asian Arts, Antiques, Samurai Swords, June 24, 2023
By Eternity Gallery
Jun 24, 2023
PO BOX 48073 Tampa, FL 33646 USA, United States

Great selection of arts and antiques from all over the world. 

Unique collection of Samurai swords.

LOT 32C:

Antique bronze nude Indian Goddess, 36.5 cm, 1700-1900 AD, India

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Start price:
$ 200
Estimated price :
$5,000 - $10,000
Buyer's Premium: 24% More details

Antique bronze nude Indian Goddess, 36.5 cm, 1700-1900 AD, India
Antique mesmerizing statue of nude Indian Goddess with a lotus flower in her left hand and a sign of Akash Mudra in her right hand. Height with base: 14.5 inches = 36.5 cm; Base: 4 inches = 10 cm: Weight: 3 lb. 4.5 oz. = 1,487 g = 1 kg 487 g; Provenance: from private collection in Florida; AKASH MUDRA: The tip of the middle finger touches to the top of thumb. Remaining fingers are to be kept straight but at ease. BENEFITS: • Develops intuition and extra sensory powers, • Detoxifies the body by the elimination of metabolic wastes. • Activates throat Chakra. • Purifies and emotions and thoughts. • Increases intuition power and alertness. • Beneficial for heart disease.

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