Rare & Important! Books, Slavuta, Chabad, Chassidut, Letters, Manuscripts & A Outstanding Silver Collection
By Appel Auction
Dec 14, 2022
Pomona NY 10970, United States

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LOT 42:

Divrei Menachem by Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Rimanov, Lemberg 1863. First Rare Edition.

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Sold for: $700
Start price:
$ 160
Buyer's Premium: 25%
sales tax: 8.375% On the full lot's price and commission

Divrei Menachem by Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Rimanov, Lemberg 1863. First Rare Edition.

Words from the sacred mouth of the honorable Admo"r, the rabbi and true gaon, the tzaddik and foundation of the world, who has surpassed his teachers, Rabbi Menachem Mendel ... who was based in Frysztak and Rimanov, who spoke every Shabbat to excite hearts in reverence of Hashem and his service, so that tzaddikim are happy and the upright rejoice. May the merit of the author stand by us and all of the Jewish people, amen.

Lemberg, 1863. First edition. Rare.

It is known that the author was very occupied with livelihood and functioned as 'minister of sustenance.' He was the primary disciple of Rabbi Yechezkel Panet, who wrote that the sacred Rebbe Mendel of Rimanov was occupied with Parashat Hamann his entire life; he spoke about this topic for twenty two years. It is known that he intended to bring sustenance to the Jewish people through this. In this Sefer, he also wrote a lot about livelihood and many of the Torah thoughts that appear in this Sefer are about Parashat Hamann.

There is also a segulah for sustenance said in his name: To recite Parashat Hamann on the Tuesday of the week in which Parashat Beshalach is read. Many travel to his grave site and pray there for sustenance.

The author Rebbi Menachem Mendel of Rimanov was a disciple of Rebbi Shmelke of Nikolsberg and one of the leading disciples of Rebbi Elimelech of Lizhensk. After the latter's passing he was one of the major disseminators of Chassidut in Poland.

[1], 13, [1], 16-24 leafs, 17.5 cm.

Stefansky, Chassidut 120.

Title page with repaired tears, Otherwise in good condition.

Signatures & stamps: Baruch Samet, Oshpitzin. Yitzchok Samet.

Bound with:

Sefer Sha'arei Kedusha, Rabbi Chaim Vital, Lemberg 1862.

With selections by Rabbi.Shimshon of Ostropoli (Ostropol).

Sefer Yesh Nochalin, Hanhagos and Misdos Yesharos, by Rabbi Avraham Halevi Horowitz, the father of the holy Shela. Lvov, 1864. 

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