May Uncurated Spring Estate Finds

от Willow Auction House

2 Frassetto Way Lincoln Park, NJ 07035, Соединенные Штаты

Our May Uncurated auction features more than 400 lots of artwork, furniture, jewelry, silver, rugs, porcelain, glass and more. The large selection of artwork includes an Andy Warhol Green Stamps print, a watercolor by George Pearse Ennis, a Jay Hall Connaway oil, and a collection of illustration art, featuring pieces by Maurice Sendak, Dan Sayre Groesbeck and Charles Livingston Bull. The selection of Rookwood pottery includes a Kataro Shirayamadani vase, as well as pieces by Edward Hurley and Ed Diers. The auction also features a large collection of Dorothy Doughty Royal Worcester porcelain birds. The sale also includes a Japanese Katagami stencils, as well as vintage jewelry, sterling silver, books including first editions, furniture, rugs, coins and a selection of glass, including Steuben and Lalique.

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