Fall 2024 Fine Art & Estate Auction

بواسطة Taurus Auctions

30-06 Broadway Ste. B Fair Lawn NJ 07410, الولايات المتحدة

Welcome to our Fall 2024 Fine Art & Estate Auction. We are pleased to be showcasing the private collection of JoAnn Young which features Southwestern and Native American artwork, fine jewelry, decorative arts, religious iconography and other unique items purchased during Ms. Young’s travels across the American Southwest and internationally. Highlights including: fine jewelry by Mexican silversmith Matilde Poulat, sterling jewelry from the Andy Warhol estate, original artwork by Kevin Red Star, Alebrije Oaxacan carved folk art animals, antique Santos figures, Native American pottery & much more.

لقد انتهى هذا المزاد

686 وحدة
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الوحدات في الصفحة:
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 14
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