LOT 1: Sha'arei Tzedek – by the Mekubal Rabbi Yosef Gikatilla. Riva di Trento, [1561]. First edition. . Kabbalistic Sefer Yesod. This is the first edition of the famed book Sha'arei Tzedek on the principle of Eser Hasefirot, which constitutes a gate to Kabbalah and the Sefirot as indicated by the ...
LOT 2: Ibbur Shanim. By Rabbi Yissachar ben Sussan. Sefer Yesod on Customs of Eretz Yisrael, and The Jewish Calendar. Venice, 1579. . Personal Copy of Rabbi Nachum Dover Friedman of Sadigura. With an interesting inscription from the brother-in-law of the Rm"a from Pano. Ibbur Shanim is also known as ...
LOT 3: Shu”t HaRalbach. Sefer Yesod. First Edition. Venice, 1565. Complete and Magnificent Copy. A historical and significant debate regarding teachings of the Rambam was first published in this edition. Responsa authored by the sage, Rabbi Levi ben Chabib of Jerusalem. With elucidation of the laws ...
LOT 4: Milchamot Hashem LeHaRalbag. Riva di Trento, 1560. First Edition. Fundamentals of faith and Jewish philosophy, authored by the saintly Rabbi Levi ben Gershon, The Ralbag. Includes six essays. On the verso of the title page are printed notes from the publisher, the physician, Yaakov Marcaria. ...
LOT 5: HaMekach VeHamemkar. Venice, 1602. First Edition. Sefer Yesod on the Laws of Choshen Mishpat. A complete and rare copy of a Sefer Yesod on the laws of Choshen Mishpat by Rabbi Hai Gaon. Authored by Rabbi Hai Gaon. This composition deals with laws of Mekach Umemkar, monetary laws, loans ...
LOT 6: Pirkei Moshe by Rabbi Moshe Almosnino. Pirkei Avot. Salonika, 1563. Single Edition. Beautiful Copy in Antique Binding. This is the first book he authored, and is the one and only edition of it. Phenomenal elucidation on Masechet Pirkei Avot, authored by Rabbi Moshe Almosnino. Masechet Avot ...
LOT 7: Menorat HaMeor by Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhav The First. Mantua, 1563. In-depth essays on ethics by Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhav. Fundamental work on Jewish ethics. Corrected by expert writers and according to an ancient and proofread manuscript. This composition is a compilation of Aggada from the ...
LOT 8: Shu”t MaHaRanach. Constantinople, 1610. Sefer Yesod. Rare, Single Edition. . This rare book was printed without listing the date of print or the printer’s name- M. Benayahu opines that this book was actually printed in Italy by Daniel Zanetti. Y. Yudlov contests this. Responsa by Rabbi ...
LOT 9: Post-Incunabula: Sefer Mitzvot Gadol by Rabbi Moshe of Coucy. Signed by R' Tzemach Narbonne, Rav of the "Knesset Gedolah" and Member of the Beit Din of the Maharit. Venice, 1522. Daniel Bomberg Press. A Sefer Yesod of one of the Ba’alei HaTosafot and of the greatest of the Rishonim. . Rabbi ...
LOT 10: Amudei Golah - SaMak. Cremona 1556. Sefer Yesod. First Hebrew Book Printed in Cremona. Second Edition With Corrections, Glosses, Addendums and Erasures. Amudei Golah is referred to as Sefer Mitzvot Katan – SaMaK. Authored by Rabbi Moshe of Corbeil, one of the French Ba’alei Tosafot of 13th ...
LOT 11: ‘Yayin HaMeshumar’ With ‘Matzat Shimurim’. Venice 1660. First Edition With Owners’ Signatures. Excellent copy. Composition of two books authored by Rabbi Natan Shapira. Magnificent copy. Yayin HaMeshumar: on the prohibition of drinking Yayin Nesech, and shaving a beard. Matzat Shimurim: ...
LOT 12: Naphtale Elokim Naftalti. Kabbalistic Commentary. Ferrera, 1556. . Magnificent Copy From the Valmadonna Library- Lunzer Family. All book printed in Ferrara are extremely rare! Kabbalistic commentary on Rabbeinu Bachaye ben Asher on Chumash. Authored by Rabbi Naphtali Hertz Treves. Printed ...
LOT 13: Sefer Yesod- Sefer HaTerumah. Venice 1523. First Edition, Daniel Bomberg Press. . Signature of Rabbi Ahron Shmuel of Kremnitz (?). Complete and beautiful copy. The title page features handwritten signatures and the stamp of the Altona Kloiz. Halachic rulings by Rabbi Baruch son of Yitzchak ...
LOT 14: Tzeidah LaDerech. Ferrera, 1554. Unique and Magnificent Copy. First Edition. Prominent Halachic composition by Rabbi Menachem ben Zerach, leading Spanish sage in the 14th Century, and disciple of Rabbi Yehudah ben HaRosh. The author divided the book into five sections. Section One: On ...
LOT 15: Sefer Issur VeHeter. With Signatures of the Rovigo Family. Ferrera, 1555. First Edition. Most rare and complete copy including the 2 rare leaves of errata at the end of the book, which is missing from most copies. This composition ranks among the most prominent of Sifrei HaAcharonim. Some ...
LOT 16: One Lot of four Rare Books from Venice 17th Century. Three First Edition Books. Lot of 4 Rare Books Printed in Venice: 1. Shu”t MaHari ben Lev [Book Four]. Venice, 1606. Second edition. Responsa with novellae on Masechet Kiddushin and Masechet Avodah Zarah. By Rabbi Yosef ben Lev ...
LOT 17: Ma’aseh Rokeach. Venice, 1742. Personal Copy of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Lehren. . First print. Single edition. Composition based on Mishnah Torah LeHaRambam including its text. Part 1: Science, Ahavah, Zemanim. Authored by Rabbi Masoud Chai Rokeach, a leading Tripoli sage. Beautiful, illustrated ...
LOT 18: She’eilot LeHaChacham Shaul HaKohen – Elucidations on Moreh Nuvuchim. Venice, 1574. . Most rare book on philosophy and Jewish thought. Single Edition. The book, ‘She’eilot LeHaChacham kh”r Shaul Hakohen zlh”h’, elucidations on Moreh Nevuchim from Don Yitzchak Abarbanel, Rabbi Yosef ...
LOT 19: Sefer Ikrim of Rabbi Yosef Albo. Rimini, 1522. Post-Incunabula. Impressive Copy in Original Binding. A fundamental book on principles of faith and religion, by Rabbi Yosef Albo. As opposed to the 13 principles of the Rambam, Rabbi Yosef based faith on 3 principles: Metziut Hashem, Torah Min ...
LOT 20: Chanukat HaBayit. By Rabbi Moshe Chefetz. Structure of the Destroyed Temple. Venice, 1696. . First Edition. Complete Copy With Folded Map. Includes numerous sketches of the Temple’s structure and its vessels. Includes a large folded map of the Temple’s structure. Additional leaf with ...
LOT 21: Sha’ar HaShamayim by Rabbi Gershon ben Shlomo of Catalonia. Venice, 1547. First Edition. Sha’ar HaShamayim on mathematics, natural science and astronomy. Authored by Rabbi Gershon ben Shlomo of Catalonia, a leading 13th Century Spanish sage. He was the father of the Ralbag and the son-in-law ...
LOT 22: Einei Ha’Eidah. Two Volumes Bound Together. By the Shevet HaMussar. Izmir, 1863-1864. Single Edition. Rare. Not Seen in Public Auctions! Einei Ha’Eidah by Rabbi Eliyahu HaKohen HaItmari, author of Shevet HaMussar and Medrash Talpiyot. Volume One: Bereishit, Shemot and Megillat Esther. ...
LOT 23: Unicum! Vidui Karov LeMalkut. Venice, 1600. Rare, Single Edition!. Exclusive and rare edition. This booklet has only 8 leaves! Printed by Baruch ben Baruch (Ibn). It includes “Confession of the exceptional members of the Shomrim LaBoker group, here, Venice”. “The elevated individuals arise ...
LOT 24: Magen David- Confessions For a Sick Person and Prayer as the Soul Departs. Venice 1704. First Edition. Exceedingly Rare. Personal Copy of Rabbi Nachum Berenyu of Sadigura. Magen David is an abridged version of the book, Ma’avar Yabok. It comprises confession for a sick person, verses and ...
LOT 25: Fundamental book: Teshuvot HaRamban, Venice 1519. First edition, Bomberg Press. . Impressive copy with the signature of the Kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Abukara – one of the leading sages of Tunis. Fine complete copy of the fundamental halachic work that was published in the 16th century. This ...
LOT 26: Shu”t MaHaram MiLublin. Sefer Yesod. First Edition. Venice, 1617. . Exceedingly rare book. Signature of Rabbi Yechizkiya Yehoshua Feivel Teomim, Av Beit Din Zulz, Premishla and Breslau. First edition of one of the most prominent responsa books of one of the leading Acharonim. With ...
LOT 27: Mikneh Avram – the Hebrew-Latin edition. Venice, [1523]. First edition. Daniel Bomberg Press. Impressive copy. Sefer Mikneh Avraham, on Hebrew grammar - Peculium Abrae, Grammatica Hebraea, by the physician and grammarian Rabbi Avraham di Balmes. Hebrew (vowelized) and Latin on facing ...
LOT 28: Merkevet HaMishnah by Rabbi Don Yitzchak Abarbanel. Sabbioneta 1551. First Edition. . This is the first Hebrew book printed in Sabbioneta [Vinograd, Sabbioneta No.1]. Commentary on the Book of Devarim (Mishnah Torah) by Rabbi Don Yitzchak Abarbanel. The commentary on the other books of the ...
LOT 29: Ben HaMelech VeHanazir. Mantua 1557. . Rare and valuable book on ethics and parables. Rabbi Avraham named his book, 'Revach VeHatzala'. With time, however, the book became known by the title ‘Ben HaMelech VeHanazir’. Parables and ethics in poetry and flowery prose form. Structured upon a ...
LOT 30: Shu”t MaHarik By Rabbi Yosef Colon. Venice 1519. . First Edition of a Sefer Yesod, Daniel Bomberg Press. Rabbi Yosef Colon, known as the The MaHarik (circa 1420-1480), was a leading 15th Century Italian Rabbi and one of the greatest Halachic authorities of all times. Teshuvot HaMaHarik was ...
LOT 31: Sefer Mitzvot Gadol (Smag). First edition with Be'urei Rabbi Isaac Stein. Venice 1547. Daniel Bomberg Press. . Sefer Yesod. Fine copy with signatures. The great book of Rabbeni Moshe of Coucy, one of Ba'alei Hatosafot and one of the leading Rishonim. On the title page of the book and the ...
LOT 32: Shut Divrei Rivot. Venice 1586. Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Gedalya Shmelkes Av Beit Din of Premishla, with signatures and glosses in Sephardic script. Shut by Rabbi Yitzchak Adarbi, one of the leading rabbis of Salonika. A disciple of Rabbi Yosef Taitazak. Second precise edition. The sharp ...
LOT 33: Sefer Rechit Chochmah [with the first edition of Igeret HaRamban]. Venice 1579. First edition. . Rare and particularly beautiful Sefer Yesod. With handwritten comments. Tochechot Mussar, Kudeshah matters and Tikunei Teshuvah – a fundamental Mussar book by the Mekubal Rabbi Eliyahu de Vidas ...
LOT 34: Sefer Yesod: Ma’avar Yabok. Mantua 1626. First Edition. Printed in the Author’s Lifetime. The Personal Copy of the Holy Gaon R' Eliezer Nachman Foa, Av Bet Din of Modena, one of the Greatest Italian Kabbalists, and Outstanding Student of the Rema of Fano. Ma’avar Yabok, customs for the day of ...
LOT 35: Commentary of The Ramban on The Torah. Sefer Yesod. Venice 1545. Handwritten Dedication and Glosses. . One of the fundamental commentaries on the Torah with a unique poem authored by Eliyahu Bachur HaMedakdek. The commentary of the Ramban includes elucidations according to Pshat as well as ...
LOT 36: Mishnayot (Part 2- Kodshim, Taharot, Nezikin). Venice 1609. Rare!. With Signature of Rabbi Mattitya Nissim Tirani, a leading Italian Sage. Mishnayot with the Kaf Nachat commentary. This is a short elucidation explaining the Mishnah and clarifying the words, compiled by Rabbi Yitzchak Gabbai. ...
LOT 37: Chovat HaLevavot by Rabbeinu Bechaye. Venice 1548. Sefer Yesod on Ethics and Avodat Hashem. Complete Copy, With Signatures and Tens of Glosses. Chovat HaLevavot was written in Arabic and translated into Hebrew by Rabbi Yehudah ibn Tibon. This composition is a fundamental work on ethics and ...
LOT 38: Chovat HaLevavot- Tikkun Middot HaNefesh. Constantinople, 1550. Fundamental book on Jewish thought. This Edition is printed from a Different Manuscript Than Prior Editions. Chovat HaLevavot by Rabbeinu Bachaye ibn Paquda. Tikkun Middot HaNefesh by Rabbi Shlomo ibn Gabirol (Translated from ...
LOT 39: Sefer Yesod: Shu”t HaRivash. Constantinople, 1546. First Edition . Copy from Rabbi Shaul Adadi’s Library. A most prominent book of responsa of the Rishonim: Responsa by Rabbenu Yitzchak bar Sheshet. Printed in Constantinople by Rabbi Shmuel Chakim HaLevi, a leading Rabbi in his time. The ...
LOT 40: Tola’at Yaakov by the Kabbalist Rabbi Meir Ibn Gabbai. Constantinople 1560. First Edition. Elucidation on prayers as per the PaRDeS model, by Rabbi Meir Ibn Gabbai- A leading Kabbalist who lived during the era of the Spanish Inquisition. Tola’at Yaakov is the first of a number of significant ...
LOT 41: Machberot Immanuel. Kushta, [1535]. Second revised edition. One of the first Hebrew literary works that had a printed edition. An important classic work that was translated into many languages and about which many books and articles were written. The work contains Divrei Mussar alongside ...
LOT 43: Zichron Torat Moshe. Constantinople 1554. Most Impressive Copy With Original, Leather Binding Along With Copper Clasps. . First edition, authored by Rabbi Moshe Figo. Extensive and comprehensive index of all Chazal’s maxims on Aggadot that are related in the Talmud Bavli, Yeushalmi, Medrash ...
LOT 44: Shut Edut Biyehosef (section I). Kushta 1711. Single edition. stamps of the Admor Rabbi Natan David Rabinovich [the second] of Pertziva-Shedlitz. Sefer Edut Biyehosef. Halachic Shut, section I, by Rabbi Yosef Almosnino. With an approbation by the rabbis of Kushtandina. On the title page of ...
LOT 45: 'Erech Lechem'. Kushta 1718. First edition. signatures and glosses including by the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Schor Av Beit Din of Yaritshov. Sefer Moharikash known as Erech Lechem. Hagahot on Sefer Shulchan Aruch, by Rabbi Yaakov Castro [Maharikash]. With an approbation by the rabbis of ...
LOT 46: Masechet Zevachim. Venice, 1522. Bomberg Press. First Edition. This Bomberg edition became the blueprint for all later Shas edition. Talmud Bavli, Masechet Zevachim, with commentaries of Rashi, Tosafot and Piskei Tosafot. Venice Shas: The complete Talmud was first printed in the famed ...
LOT 47: Sefer Imrei Noam. Commentary on the Torah by Rabbi Yaakov Diliskas. Cremona 1566. Signatures. Be'urim on the Torah, Psahtim and Chidushim on the Parashiyot by the sages of Ashkenaz and France. The title page with an ornate border. Written by Rabbi Yaakov Diliskas, a sage of the 14th century ...
LOT 48: Halichot Olam. Sabbioneta 1567. Rare. Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Chai Mussafia with his glosses. Sefer Halichot Olam by Rabbi Yeshu'ah Halevi, with Sefer Mevo Hagemara by Rabbi Shmuel Hanaggid. On the title page of the book, a handwritten signature - "לה"ו הצעיר אחי"ם ס"ט" – the ...
LOT 49: Mizbe'ach Yaakov. Published to raise funds for Pidyon Shevuyim. Venice, [1662].. Extremely rare Single edition. Sefer Mizbe'ach Yaakov, Divrei Mussar, by Rabbi Yaakov Kopel Margaliot. A work that was written specifically to raise funds for the Pidyon (redemption) of the author's young son ...
LOT 50: Shneim Assar Derashot- Derashot HaRan. Venice 1594-1596. Second and Rare edition. The book is considered a fundamental book of Jewish thought. Derashot HaRan is a book compiling thirteen of the sermons of Rabbeinu Nizzim ben Reuven of Gerona. The Ran lived and operated in Barcelona, Spain ...
LOT 51: LeKol Chefetz by Rabbi Eliezer Mili. Venice, 1552. Single Edition. Prominent and interesting composition of contract texts that are utilized in Jewish law. 38 versions of Halachic contracts. Printed by Daniel son of Cornelius Adelkind (Giustiniani Press). Very few books were printed by ...
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