One Man's Collection of Treasures

Por Swisher Bros. Auction

471 Frankfort Rd. Shelbyville, KY 40065, Estados Unidos

This online only auction is packed full of great items! Vintage to Antique Toys, Lithos and Pressed Steel Toys with names like: Nylint, Auburn Rubber Co., Tonka, Marx, Hubley, Wyandotte, International Harvester, Matchbox, U-Haul, Fisher Price and more. Don't miss the trains! Lionel, Hornby, Bassett-Lowke, Buddy L, etc. Advertising Jars and Tins: Gordons, ACME Ice Cream Maker, Mutual DairyAde, Pepsi-Cola, Mars Snickers, C&ORY Oil, Kis-Me Glass Jars, Dandy Churn, StanoCola Polarine, Rival Brand and so much more! REMEMBER TO READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BEFORE REGISTERING TO BID!!

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