LOT 1: Miniature Chumash with Illustrated Title Page. Amsterdam, 1679 Chamishah Chumshei Torah with 5 Megillos and Haftaros Rare Amsterdam miniature Chumash. Amsterdam, 1679. [1] 120, 120-131, 133-149, 160-250, 239-371, [5] leaves. 18th century list of owners. size 11*5.5 cm. Worn antique ...
LOT 2: Chamisha Chumshei Torah. Tikkun Sofrim. Amsterdam, 1726 Order of Torah portions and Haftaros with Ohr Torah commentary, proofread by Rabbi Menachem de Lonzano. This sefer was published upon the request of Shmuel Rodriguez Mendez, Moshe Tzarfati da Girona and David Gomis da Silva. The ...
LOT 3: Tanach. Amsterdam, 1705. Beautiful copy! Torah, Nevi’im and Kesuvim with prefaces and annotations in Latin with beautifully illustrated title pages. This edition of Tanach features a lengthy preface in Latin by Evrardus van der Hooght. Printed at the end of the Tanach; [22] leaves ...
LOT 4: Incunable! Ramban’s Commentary on the Torah. Lisbon, 1489First Hebrew book printed in Lisbon, Portugal!532 Year-Old Sefer! The commentary of the Ramban (Nachmanides) Rabbeinu Moshe ben Nachman on the Chamishah Chumshei Torah. The Ramban’s commentary is one of the most ...
LOT 5: Fundamental Work on the Ibn Ezra. Margalios Tovah. Amsterdam, 1722. Magnificent copy! Three important compositions on the commentary of Rabbi Avraham Ibn Ezra. A magnificent copy with especially wide margins. 1) Mekor Chaim by Rabbi Yonah Tzartza. 2) Ohel Yosef by Rabbi Yosef ...
LOT 6: Kabbala! Commentary on Megillas Ruth. Venice, 1585. Kabbalistic commentary on Megillas Ruth by Rabbi Ovadya Hamon MiBartenura, nephew of the revered Rabbi Ovadya MiBartenura who authored the famous commentary on the Mishnah. This work also contains several essays: Sod Hamalbush , which is ...
LOT 7: Sefer Tehillim with Alshich HaKadosh’s Commentary. First Edition. Venice, 1605 Sefer Tehillim with the famous commentary of the Alshich “Romemus Kel” surrounding the actual text of Tehillim. Published by the Alshich’s son Harav Chaim Alshich and includes his preface. The works of the ...
LOT 8: Classic Commentary!!! Kli Yakar. First Edition. Venice, 1603. Comprehensive commentary on the Early Prophets including Yehoshua, Shoftim, Shmuel and Melachim by Harav Shmuel Laniado, Av Beis Din of Aleppo. Harav Shmuel Laniado was one of the great commentators on Tanach whose ...
LOT 9: Kli Paz. First Edition. Venice, 1657 Comprehensive commentary on the entire book of Yeshaya with vowelized text by Rabbi Shmuel Laniado, Av Beis Din of Aleppo. This is the most comprehensive known work on the book of Yeshaya. It quotes earlier commentators and includes many new ...
LOT 10: Chumash Ohr Hachaim. Rabbi Moshe Shapiro Edition. Complete Set. Slavita, 1818 Chamishah Chumshei Torah (Pentateuch) with the following commentaries: Onkelos, Yonasan Ben Uziel, Yerushalmi, Rashi and Ohr Hachaim by Rabbi Chaim ben Attar. Includes all five Megillos with Rishon LeTzion ...
LOT 11: Tehillim. Shapira Press. Complete Copy with Maamados. Slavita, 1832 Sefer Tehillim and Maamados with all the Names of Hashem written as the Shem Havayah (Yud-Key-Vav-Key); introductions to each chapter; and the ‘Yehi ratzon’ for Hoshanah Rabba printed in large, clear font. Includes the ...
LOT 12: The Most Classic Commentary on Nach!Complete Set of Metzudas Dovid & Metzudas Tzion. Livorno, 1780-1783 Comprehensive classic commentary on the entire Nevi'im and Kesuvim by Rabbi Dovid Altschuler and his son Rabbi Yechiel Hillel Altschuler. Complete set in 4 magnificent volumes. ...
LOT 13: Rabbi Wolf Heidenheim. Complete Set of Chumash Toras Moshe. Rodelheim, 1818. Complete 5 volume set of the famous and widespread Chamishah Chumshei Torah with Ashkenaz-Yiddish translation from the Rodelheim publishers, with Minchah Chadashah commentary by Rabbi Meir Kalu, published from a ...
LOT 14: Miniature Torah Scroll on Parchment. Europe, Circa 1800 Miniature Torah Scroll on parchment written according to Ashkenazic script, circa 1800 in traditional Beis Yosef script. Parchment size: 10.7 cm. Script bloc: 8.7 cm. The tagim were doubled and at times tripled in the upper lines to ...
LOT 15: Handwritten Order of Haftaros on Parchment. Germany, 19th Century Haftaros for the entire year according to Ashkenazic rite, Ashkenazic manuscript on parchment. The Mss. contains Haftoras for all Parshioth of the year + for the holidays of Pessach Shavuoth and High Holidays Reading the ...
LOT 16: Midrash Tehillim, Mishlei and Midrash Shmuel. Bomberg Press. Venice, 1546 Beautiful Copy! Midrashim of Chazal on Sefer Tehillim, Sefer Mishlei and Sefer Shmuel. Separate title page for Tehillim and Shmuel . Pages 58b, 66a include the Alfa-Beita commentary by Rabbi Mattasya Hayitzhari. ...
LOT 17: Pesikta Zutra. First Edition. Daniel Bomberg Press. Venice, 1546 Midrashim on Vayikrah Bamidbar and Devarim. The original name of this sefer was Lekach Tov and was authored by Rabbeinu Tuvia ben Rav Eliezer who lived in the middle of the 9th century. (See introduction of Hachacham Rav ...
LOT 18: Mechilta. Daniel Bomberg Press. Venice, 1545 Midrash of Chazal on Shmos, attributed to the Tanna Rabbi Yishmael (Mechilta D’Rabbi Yishmael). Midrash Mechilta is one of the foundational works of Chazal. The Chafetz Chaim wrote in his introduction to Toras Kohanim that “Toras Kohanim on ...
LOT 19: Zayis Raanan on Midrash Yalkut Shimoni by the Magen Avraham. First Edition. Dessau, 1704 Commentary, novellae, and elucidation of Yalkut Shimoni by Harav Avraham Avele Gombiner, author of the Magen Avraham, printed together with a collection of lectures excerpted from his sefer Shemen Sasson ...
LOT 20: Mishnayos with Commentary of the Rambam and Rabbi Ovadiah of Bartenura. Sabbioneta-Mantua, 1559-1562. Complete 6-Volume Set! Shisha Sidrei Mishnah with the commentaries of the Rambam and Rabbi Ovadiah of Bartenura. Both commentaries are printed around the Mishnayos. Complete set in 6 ...
LOT 21: Manuscript from the Era of the RishonimRashi’s Commentary on Pirkay Avos. Italy, 1361 The commentary of the greatest Hebrew commentator of all time, Rashi—Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, on Maseches Avos. This handwritten manuscript was inscribed in Italy in the mid 14th century. The manuscript ...
LOT 22: The Shl”a Hakadosh Holy rare handwriting from the Shl”a, Six Verses from Tehillim Forming his Name with his Signature, on Maseches Avos with Lechem Yehuda Commentary Sabbioneta, 1554. Six verses from Tehillim ch.119 written in the hands of the Holy Shl”a forming an acrostic of his ...
LOT 23: Pirkei Avos with Minchah Chadashah. Cracow, 1576. Pirkei Avos with commentary collected from at least 10 earlier commentaries of the Rishonim and Achronim by Rabbi Yechiel Michel Moraptshick, author of Seder Brachos. At the end of the sefer (p.82a), the author offers two reasons why the ...
LOT 24: Eitz Avos by Rabbi Yaakov Emden. First Edition. Amsterdam, 1751 Maseches Avos with commentaries of the Bartenura and Tosfos Yom Tov, and an extensive elucidation by Harav Yaakov Emden, the Yaabetz The Yaabetz’s commentary contains three parts: Lechem Shamayim—a commentary on the Mishnah. ...
LOT 25: Bomberg Talmud Bavli. First Edition.Maseches Avodah Zara. Venice, 1520 Complete volume of maseches Avodah Zara with Rashi and Tosfos from the world-famous original edition of the Bomberg Talmud by the celebrated printer Daniel Bomberg of Venice. In this Bomberg edition, for the first ...
LOT 26: Gedulas Mordechai & Agudas Eizov. Hanau, 1615 Gedulas Mordechai—Commentary on the Mordechai including glosses and novellae on the Mordechai. Agudas Eizov—Commentary on Choshen Mishpat by Harav Baruch ben Dovid of Poloniyya. This work is cited several times by the Shach. In his foreword ...
LOT 27: Darash Moshe. Cracow, 1589 Commentary and explanations on the Aggadah by Rabbi Moshe son of Rabbi Yitzchak of Picencz. The beginning and end of the sefer include poems by the author. Beautiful title page with illustrations of angels, Akeidas Yitzchak, eagle and other figures Cracow ...
LOT 28: Fundamentals:Ma’adanei Melech & Lechem Chamudos by the Tosfos Yom Tov. First Edition. Prague, 1628.Magnificent Copy! Commentaries on the ‘Rosh’ (פסקי הרא"ש) by Harav Yom Tov Lipman Heller, Av Beis Din of Prague and Krakow and author of Tosfos Yom Tov on Mishnayos. The ...
LOT 29: Two Important Torah Works by the Baal Hafla’ah Rabbi Pinchas Halevi Horowitz, Av Beis Din of Frankfurt Hafla’ah on Ksubos and Hamakneh on Kiddushin1. Sefer Hafla’ah – Chiddushim on maseches Ksubos includes Sheves Achim, a pamphlet of chiddushim on the laws of ksubos. Offenbach ...
LOT 30: Holy Handwritten Leaf from Shu"t Chasam SoferHalachic Ruling written by the Holy Chasam Sofer. Pressburg, 1819 The present full double-sided handwritten leaf is part of a responsum written by Rabbeinu Moshe Sofer, Av Beis Din of Pressburg and author of the Chasam Sofer. On this page ...
LOT 31: Rare!Passover Haggadah with the Chasam Sofer’s Commentary. First Edition. Lvov, 1850 Exceptionally rare – Haggadah with the commentary of the Chasam Sofer. The present work is the first publishing of the Chasam Sofer’s novellae on Aggadah. (It was the second of his works to be published ...
LOT 32: Complete Kuntress of Original Torah Novellae – by the Ksav Sofer 1860 An entire kuntress by Harav Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer, Av Beis Din and Rosh Yeshivah in Pressburg, author of Ksav Sofer. The Ksav Sofer inscribed these novellae while staying at the resort town of Salish, where he ...
LOT 33: Handwritten Letter by the Shevet Sofer to Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer Letter in the handwriting of Harav Simcha Bunim Sofer, Av Beis Din and Rosh Yeshivah of Pressburg and author of Shevet Sofer to Harav Azriel Hildesheimer. In his letter, the Shevet Sofer requests help finding an attractive ...
LOT 34: Letter of Torah Novellae by Rabbi Moshe Yochanan Sheinfeld, Av Beis Din of Mihalipalva, Grandfather of the Admor of Erlau zt”l Fascinating letter replete with chiddushei Torah and pilpul, handwritten and autographed by the tzaddik Harav Moshe Yochanan Sheinfeld, Av Beis Din of Valea lui ...
LOT 35: Letter of Torah Novellae by Rabbi Yaakov Leib Katz-Strasser, Son-in-Law of the Ksav Sofer. Pressburg, 1880 Personal letter contains chiddushei Torah regarding the mitzvah of tithing one’s earnings. The letter is handwritten by Rabbi Yaakov Leib Katz Strasser of Pressburg, son-in-law of the ...
LOT 36: Handwritten Letter of Torah Novellae by Rabbi Akiva Hakohen Strasser, Av Beis Din of Tokaj & Grandson of the Ksav Sofer. 1905 Lengthy letter of Torah novellae handwritten by Harav Akiva Hakohen Strasser, Av Beis Din of Tokaj. Hagaon Harav Akiva Hakohein Strasser, (circa 1860-1924), ...
LOT 37: Handwritten Annotations by Harav Eliezer Zussman Sofer, Av Beis Din of Paks on sefer Machaneh Efraim The margins of this sefer Machne Efraim contain over one hundred annotations in the sacred handwriting of the Yalkut Eliezer. One note cites an explanation by “My father in law, the genius” ...
LOT 38: Handwritten, Autographed Halachic Teshuvah by Rabbi Yosef Leib Sofer, Av Beis Din of Paks. 1909 Lengthy, 4-sided handwritten and autographed teshuvah by Harav Yosef Leib Sofer, Av Beis Din of Paks and author of Yalkut Sofer. This teshuvah discusses an old practice of dividing the mitzvah of ...
LOT 39: Complete Kuntress of Torah Novella. 13-Sides Handwritten Manuscript by Maharam Schick. Yargen, 1838 Novellae on Maseches Avodah Zara by Harav Moshe Schick, Av Beis Din Chust and author of Maharam Schick. At the beginning of the manuscript the Maharam Shick wrote: with the help of ...
LOT 40: Autographed Halachic Ruling by Rabbi Yehuda Assad and Rabbis of Serdheil. 1829 Halachic ruling regarding financial dispute written in Serdheil, 1829, and autographed by the genius Harav Yehuda Assad and dayanim of the Beis Din of Serdheil. At this point in time, Harav Yehuda Assad was still ...
LOT 41: The Shul Wedding DebateLetter by Rabbi Pinchas Leib Frieden, Av Beis Din of Komaron. 1846 Ardent letter, censuring a member of the Alt-Oiben community who attempted to enforce a communal practice of conducting chuppahs inside shul. In his letter, Harav Pinchas Frieden vigorously denies ...
LOT 42: Letter by Rabbi Mordechai Danzig, Av Beis Din Veshta. 1882 Lengthy letter by Rav Mordechai Danzig, Av Beis Din Veshta to Harav Shmuel Salant Rav Of Jerusalem. This letter also contains the autographs of Harav Mordechai Menachem Deustch ben Rav Yaakov Deutsch, Av Beis Din of Veshta (the ...
LOT 43: Lengthy Letter of Torah Novellae by Rabbi Azriel Litsch-Rosenbaum of Pressburg. Tzehlim, 1903 Lengthy, 4-sided letter replete with Torah novellae, written by Harav Azriel Litsch-Rosenbaum, famous orator in Pressburg and author of Shu”t Nachalas Azriel. This letter was penned in Tzehlim in ...
LOT 44: Handwritten Torah Novellae by Rabbi Asher Anschel Weiss, Av Beis Din of Nagyfalu and Author of Shemen Laminchah. Nagyfalu, 1913 A handwritten, autographed letter of chiddushei Torah “that were revealed today in the course of learning in the shiur” by Harav Asher Anschel Weiss Hy”d, Av Beis ...
LOT 45: Invitation to the Wedding of the Granddaughter of Harav Hillel Lash of Kolimiya. Kolomiya, 1879 Invitation to the wedding of Rebbetzin Raizel, daughter of Harav Baruch Bendit Lichtenstein and granddaughter of Hagaon Harav Hillel Lash of Kolimiya, to the chosson Harav Yitzchak Rosenberg, son ...
LOT 46: Letter by Harav Baruch Bendit Lichtenstein, Av Beis Din of Krasne Autographed letter by Harav Baruch Bendit Lichtenstein, Av Beis Din of Krasne, Poland, to his relative Hagaon Harav Akiva Yosef Shlesinger Hagaon Harav Baruch Bendit Lichtenstein Hy”d, Av Beis Din of Krasne (1858-1944) was ...
LOT 47: Mishnah Torah L’HaRambam. Fragments of Parchment Pages. France, 14th Century Fragments of parchment pages from a handwritten copy of the Mishnah Torah L’HaRambam, written in Ashkenazic script circa 1370. These pages were removed from the binding of a 14th century manuscript. The present ...
LOT 48: Rambam - Sefer Hamitzvos. First Edition. Constantinople, 1510 Rare first edition of the Rambam’s Sefer Hamitzvos, listing the 613 commandments and prohibitions. Based on the Talmud statement that there are 613 mitzvot. The Rambam puts forth 14 principles and criteria to define which mitzvos ...
LOT 49: Chok L’Yisrael with Translation and Commentary by the Noda B’Yehuda’s Son. Prague, 1798 Sefer Chok L’Yisrael which enumerates the 613 mitzvos based on the Rambam’s count with translation into Yiddish, source index and explanations by Harav Yisrael Halevi Landau, son of the Noda B’Yehuda. The ...
LOT 50: Letters and Responsa from the Ramba”m ‘Igros L’Hamaor Hagadol’ The Rambam’s Responsa. Venice, 1545 Shu”t HaRambam A collection of responsa, and letters by the Rambam responding to halachic queries from around the world, corresponding with sages from various countries from the East to ...
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