Designer Jewelry, Antique Collectibles, More

Von Keystone Auctions

218 East Market Street York, PA 17403, Vereinigte Staaten

Online only auction Friday, August 9, 2024. Lots start closing at 9 a.m. Jewelry includes 14K gold, sterling silver, designer with Gucci, YSL, KJL, Dior, Cardin, Hagler, Coro, Trifari, Heidi Daus, Nolan Miller, Joan Rivers, Kirk's Folly, Danecraft, plus coral, amber, howlite and other materials, men's cuff links, belt buckles, costume jewelry. Beaded & Bakelite purses, textiles, fur, sewing accessories, eye wear. Designer wrist and pocket watches and a Cartier clock. Antique and international coins, antique keys, pens, various age marbles, stamps, eye glasses, opera glasses, violin, banjo, harp and other musical. 18th Century kitchenware, cookware, serving pieces, skillets, blades / knives. Stieff sterling. Tobacciana, cigar labels / bands from collection / albums, sports memorabilia, antique golf clubs, scrimshaw, toys, trains, comic books, trading cards. Ephemera, postcards, vintage photographs, photo positive slides, mid-century artwork with Harlequin, other paintings of flowers, animals, landscapes, nudes, famous names like Aubrey Beardsley, John Zollinger Miller, R.D. Schultz. Colorful leaded glass and slag glass windows, mirrors. Sculptures of peacocks, horse, figures and more. Playboy magazine groupings with dates from 1969 to 2010s.

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