Leilão 111 Rare Books, Manuscripts, Letters of Rabbis and Rebbes
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3 Shatner Center 1st Floor Givat Shaul Jerusalem, Israel
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Giant Archive of About 1000 Documents from the Estate of Dr. Egon Zweig. Includes Signatures of Noteworthy People ...

Vendido por: $3 400
Preço inicial:
$ 3 000
Preço estimado :
$5 000 - $8 000
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IVA: 18% Sobre a comissão apenas
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11.12.18 em Winner'S

Giant Archive of About 1000 Documents from the Estate of Dr. Egon Zweig. Includes Signatures of Noteworthy People from his Era

Giant collection of documents, letters and postcards regarding Zionism and the immigration of German and Austrian Jews to the Land of Israel in the 1930s and 40s. In addition, correspondence from Jewish institutions of the early 20th century, including signatures of Magnes, Ruppin and more. All from the estate of Dr. Egon Michael Zweig, a prominent Zionist activist in Austria.

The most significant part of the archive includes various sized postcards and letters, primarily in German. Some were written by hand, and others were printed and then signed by hand.

Highlights include: A letter in German from Zionist leader Arthur Ruppin to Zweig, signed by Ruppin. Letters in English from Dr. Yehuda Magnes (first chancellor of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem) to Egon Zweig, one signed by Magnes.
Letters from Dr. Natan Michael Gelber (Zionist activist and author of Zur Vorgeschichte des Zionismus: Judenstaatsprojekte in den Jahren 1695 - 1845) to Egon Zweig, one signed by Gelber.
Signed letter in German by George Herlitz (founder of the Central Zionist Archives, located in 1919 in Berlin, and now in Jerusalem) to Egon Zweig.
Six pages of Egon Zweig's handwritten memoirs, titled "JNF Fundraising Activities in its First Years."

He corresponded with many institutions, including:
The Central Zionist Committee, the Jewish National Fund, Brit HaTzionim HaKlali'im, the Jewish Agency, Kibbutz Vinai - G'dud HaTzeirim, the Association of Immigrants from Germany and Immigrants from Austria, the Austrian Bureau of Commerce, Wirtschaftspolitischer Fachverband fuer Erez Israel [Economic Policy Association for the Land of Israel], the central bureau for settling Jews of Germany in the Land of Israel.
About 100 pages of handwritten text in shorthand.

Includes a unique historic report regarding the Astir illegal immigration ship.

Dr. Egon Michael Zweig (1877-1949) was a cousin of author Stefan Zweig. He was born in Olmutz, in the Austrian-Hapsburg Empire and passed away in Jerusalem. He studied law in Vienna and worked there for many years as a successful lawyer. He began his Zionist activities at the age of 19, and was one of the most prominent Zionist figures in Austria. In 1918, he founded the first Palestina-Amt bureau of the Jewish Agency outside of Palestine. He immigrated to the Land of Israel in 1922, worked as a journalist and was one of the senior members of the Jewish National Fund.

The archive is in overall fine condition.