المزاد 097 Winner's Unlimited - Holy books, letters from Rabbis and Rebbes, Judaica, Posters & Periodicals, Postcards, Maps, Zionism, numismatics.
بواسطة Winner'S
Jerusalem, إسرائيل
لقد انتهى هذا المزاد

الوحدة 372:

A Collection [4] of Illustrated Israeli Children's Books in English Printed in Israel. 1950's

السعر المبدئي:
$ 50
السعر المقدّر :
$100 - $150
عمولة صالة المزادات: 20%
ضريبة القيمة المضافة: 18% على العمولة فقط
المستخدمين من الدول الإجنبية قد يكونون معفيين من الضرائب، بما يتوافق مع اللوائح الضريبية الخاصة ببلدهم
31.1.17 في Winner'S
الكلمات الرمزية:

A Collection [4] of Illustrated Israeli Children's Books in English Printed in Israel. 1950's
* Between the Hermon and Gilboa - Five Stories for Children, by Eliezer Smoly, translated into English by T.V. Satten, published by Palestine Pioneer Library. Tel Aviv, 1946.
* A Roving We Will Go, a poem by David Maanavi, illustrated by Hannah Goetzler, published by the Overseas Youth Department of the Jewish National Fund. Jerusalem, 1951.
* Gan-Gani, an English translation of Levin Kipnis and Yemima Tchernovitz's famous book, translated by Leslie Daiken, illustrated by Iza Hershkowitz. Printed by N. Twersky, Tel Aviv, 1957. Illustrations in colored lithographic printing. 
* Make'em published by the The Overseas Youth Department of the Jewish National Fund. Jerusalem, 1950's. Does not appear in the National Library. 
Varying sizes and conditions. 
Overall fine condition.