General Historical / Militaria Auction Day 2
Mesa, AZ, Estados Unidos

LOTE 2020:

Gestapo - Notification letter sent by Sicherheitspolizei to a man from Reichshof to attend a police

Vendido por: $85
Preço inicial:
$ 50
Preço estimado :
$200 - $250
Comissão da leiloeira: 25%
IVA: 7.8% Sobre a comissão apenas

Gestapo - Notification letter sent by Sicherheitspolizei to a man from Reichshof to attend a police
Notification letter sent by Sicherheitspolizei to a man from Reichshof ( now Rzeszow ) to attend a police interrogation regarding a burglary. Letter sent in 1942, and complete but with some stains and a bit dirty on one side. However, it's perfectly legible. Letter tells this man that he must be at 11 o'clock in the police station of Reichshof to undergo the police questioning.**** Important**** Shipping from our office in Europe.