LOTE 1283:
King Carlos III of Spain - Broadside Concerning Taxes and Duties
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Preço estimado :
$400 - $500
Comissão da leiloeira: 25%
IVA: 7.8%
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King Carlos III of Spain - Broadside Concerning Taxes and Duties
[King Carlos III of Spain]
Brdsd 16" X24" 1 February 11, 1783
Lima, Peru File Foreign
Decorative and extremely rare original broadside concerning taxes and duties for the export of merchandise from Spain to America.
Printed broadside, one page, 16" X 24", Lima, Peru, February 11, 1783. Likely signed by or on behalf of a local magistrate. The proclamation reads in part: "..Don Jorge Escobedo y Alarcon, Knight of Royal and distinguished order of Carlos III, from Council of his majesty in the Royal and Supreme of Indias, General Visitor of Justice Courts and Royal Public Funds of this Kingdom, General Superintendent of them, Intendent of Army, and subdelegate of tobacco rent... Wishing the King of our Lord to foment the commerce and obtain the greater lightening of his vassals, I command the following thing...". Tape repair on verso at center fold, piece of left margin missing not affecting legibility, otherwise very good condition.