Militaria and Political Auction Day 1
Mesa, AZ, Estados Unidos

LOTE 514:

Allied War Propaganda Leaflet About the POWs "How does it look over there?"

Preço inicial:
$ 20
Preço estimado :
$100 - $200
Comissão da leiloeira: 25%
IVA: 7.8% Sobre a comissão apenas

Allied War Propaganda Leaflet About the POWs "How does it look over there?"
Allied War Propaganda Leaflet About the POWs entitled "How does it look over there?". It encourages German soliders to surrender so as to become POWs. The message transmited is that it's better for German soldiers to save their lives and give up the fight. They receive a bed, shelter, warm food, etc.
Size: 20x13cm