German and Allies WWII Propaganda & Militaria
Da Valkyrie Historical Auctions
Mesa, AZ, Stati Uniti
Pro and Anti Hitler Propaganda, German WWII Propaganda and Militaria.


Amazing Coincidence: a Set to a Wehrmacht Soldier Called Adolf Hietler!

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 50
Prezzo stimato :
$400 - $500
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25%
IVA: 7.8% Solo su commissione

Amazing Coincidence: a Set to a Wehrmacht Soldier Called Adolf Hietler!
We offer a rarity. Not for the importance of the items themselves, but for the fact that the man to whom belonged these documents was called Adolf Hietler! Just an "e" made the difference with the Führer! Isn't it a great coincidence? This set comprises his Wehrpass, a great period photo in Wehrmacht uniform holding a horse and with the Iron Cross 1st class of the WW1 with WW2 repetition spangle (what means this man was decorated in both wars) and some documents about the permission given by the government to manipulate cattle. Wehrpass comes also with it's cover. This man was a veteran of the WW1 that was presumably in cavalry division in the WH. We ship this items from our office in Europe.