Holocaust & German Persecutions
Mesa, AZ, Estados Unidos

LOTE 47:

2 x Very Rare Certificates to Pole in Warsaw who was Horse-Drawn Coachman 1944

Vendido por: $80
Preço inicial:
$ 50
Preço estimado :
$250 - $300
Comissão da leiloeira: 25%
IVA: 7.8% Sobre a comissão apenas

2 x Very Rare Certificates to Pole in Warsaw who was Horse-Drawn Coachman 1944
2 very rare certificates issued in 1942 and 1944 to a Polish man from Warsaw who was a horse-drawn coachman. Both documents are written in German and Polish and come with photos of the owner. Some nice ink stamps also of the Warsaw city on one of the documents.*******This article is sent from our office in Europe**********