拍卖会 5 German Persecutions of Civilians - WWII
PO Box 13020 Des Moines, IA 50310, 美国

拍卖品 452:

Non-circulated Anti-Semitic Postcard With Post Stamp

售出价为: $125
$ 50
估计的价格 :
$200 - $300
拍卖行佣金: 25%
增值税: 7.8% 对拍卖品的价格和佣金总额收取

Non-circulated Anti-Semitic Postcard With Post Stamp
Interesting non-circulated anti-Semitic postcard that depicts a figure or caricature of a Jew with an anti-Jewish message held by this one. This figure is a copy of the Jew represented by Fips in the anti-Semitic book "Juden Stellen Sich Vor".