Modern Design - DAY ONE
2500 Market St, Upper Chichester PA 19014 USA, Estados Unidos
Modern Design from local estates and consigners.
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LOTE 10:

Swift and Monell Style Leather and Iron Square Stool

Dimensions: H: 12 inches: W: 12.5 ...

Vendido por: $175
Preço inicial:
$ 80
Preço estimado :
$120 - $160
Comissão da leiloeira: 25% Mais detalhes
IVA: 6% Sobre a comissão apenas

Swift and Monell Style Leather and Iron Square Stool

Dimensions: H: 12 inches: W: 12.5 inches ---

Condition: Finish wear and rust to iron frame. Leather shows wear and stains. Missing one rubber foot cap.