Modern Design - Day 3 - April 14 Online Only
2500 MARKET STREET ASTON, PA 19014, Estados Unidos
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LOTE 1342:

Lot 3pc Modernist Prints, Lithographs. BERT JACKSON "Solo Flight". others with no or illegible ...

Vendido por: $225
Preço inicial:
$ 70
Preço estimado :
$100 - $140
Comissão da leiloeira: 25%
IVA: 6% Sobre o preço e comissão do lote inteiro

Lot 3pc Modernist Prints, Lithographs. BERT JACKSON "Solo Flight". others with no or illegible signature. -- Dimensions: Image Size: H: 10.5 inches: W: 7.5 inches -- FRAME SIZE: Frame Height 15 inches - Frame Width 12 inches ---