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"Certificate of Friendship" Handwritten by Rav Yehuda Leib Kenigsburger, Av Beis Din of שטיינמאנגער and Disciple ...

Prezzo incluse commissioni.: $ 369 (₪1 325,82)
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$ 300
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"Certificate of Friendship" Handwritten by Rav Yehuda Leib Kenigsburger, Av Beis Din of שטיינמאנגער and Disciple of the Chasam Sofer.

Letter of friendship to the chassan Rav Yaakov Weiner, handwritten by Rav Yehuda Leib Kenigsburger, Av Beis Din of שטיינמאנגער.

Rav Yehuda Leib Kenigsburger, Av Beis Din of שטיינמאנגער- a disciple of the Chasam Sofer in Mattersdorf, from whom he was given semicha. He also learned under Rav Shalom Charif- Av Beis Din of Lackenbach and was also given semicha by the Maharam Bennet. Born in Deutschkreutz (צעהלים) in 5551, he served as Dayan in Rechnitz and from 5599 was the first Rav of שטיינמאנגער, until his passing in 5622. [Hachasam Sofer Vetalmidav, pages 170-171]

[1] page. Beautiful handwriting. Seemingly from 5621 [1861].