المزاد 16 Ancient books, & Rabbis Letters.
بواسطة tzfunot
12 Miron St. Bnei Brak, إسرائيل
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الوحدة 96:

Manuscript. Collection of piyyutim. Morrocco - c. start of the 20th century.
Nice ...

تم البيع مقابل: $275
السعر المبدئي:
$ 200
عمولة صالة المزادات: 23% مزيد من التفاصيل
ضريبة القيمة المضافة: 17% على العمولة فقط
المستخدمين من الدول الإجنبية قد يكونون معفيين من الضرائب، بما يتوافق مع اللوائح الضريبية الخاصة ببلدهم
9.6.24 في tzfunot

Manuscript. Collection of piyyutim. Morrocco - c. start of the 20th century.

Nice, organized manuscript including more than 200 piyyutim from Moroccan rabbanim and poets.
Piyyutim from: Rav Amram Elbaz, Rav Yaakov Berdugo, Rav Shmuel Amar, Rav Yaakov Ibn Halevi and more.
Written by R' Yehoshua Alkouby.

Colophon at the end of the manuscript: "Finished, praised be Hashem…I the writer who is in the dust of their feel of the chachamim and sofrim…Yehoshua Alkouby…Hashem should give him life and save him from every misfortune and harm…Amen ken yihi ratzon…in the merit of Moshe the shepherd!
The Nuba - the Andalusian, North African musical scale - is noted at the head of some of the piyyutim.
Complete manuscript. Nice, organized writing. Large, print initial words on each line. A few piyyutim are in Judeo-Arabic.
78 leaves (156 pages), 17x11 cm.
New, half leather binding. Fine condition.