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Talmud – Glosses. Maseches Yevamos with many handwritten glosses.
Maseches Yevamos, Czernowitz ...

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 250
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23% Altri dettagli
IVA: 18% Solo su commissione
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17.7.23 in tzfunot
tag: Libri

Talmud – Glosses. Maseches Yevamos with many handwritten glosses.

Maseches Yevamos, Czernowitz edition, [1842].
The margins of most pages are adorned with handwritten glosses, most are the comments of the Bach, but there are some comments and references from the writer himself.
Czernowitz [1842], part of the title page is in red ink.
145 leaves. 32 cm.
Light green paper. Worming holes, worn and used. The last leaf is detached, not bound. Moderate condition.