Lifetime Discovery, Former Auctioneer, Family's and Others Untouched Collection Auction
Por Tim's Inc Auctions
1185 Farmington Avenue Bristol, CT 06010, Estados Unidos
Lifetime Discoveries of Former Auctioneer, Family's, and Other's Untouched Collections Auction Extravaganza
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LOTE 120A:


Preço inicial:
$ 25
Preço estimado :
$50 - $1 000
Comissão da leiloeira: 25% Mais detalhes
IVA: 6.35% Sobre a comissão apenas
19.2.22 em Tim's Inc Auctions

Oak country kitchen table, square, 2 leaves. With leaves in measures approx. 28.5 inches tall x 51 inches wide x 42 inches deep. Without leaves 33 inches wide x 42 inches deep.