Woodworking Tools Online Auction
Por The Lodge Auction House
212 Cazenovia Street, Estados Unidos

The Lodge Auction House is hosting this Online Woodworkers Tools Auction featuring a great collection from one Collector.

There is NO SHIPPING for this auction. All items will have to be picked up at the property after the auction. The property is in the Amherst Area of Western New York. The address will be revealed only after the initial invoice has been settled. The buyer is responsible for removal of winnings. When picking up make sure that you have enough help and the right equipment to load any machinery. 


Sears Craftsman 10 inch Radial Arm Saw

Preço inicial:
$ 100
Preço estimado :
$200 - $300
Comissão da leiloeira: 18% Mais detalhes
IVA: 8.75% Sobre o preço e comissão do lote inteiro

Sears Craftsman 10 inch Radial Arm Saw