International journal of veterinary medicine No. 1-24 (annual kit). 1911 published by the Russian veterinary society. Ed. P. Savvaitova.
L. V. Gutman steam printing house. 1911 1296 p. Hard owner's cover, 24 x 30 cm. Condition: good.
January 15, 1889, the first issue of social science the veterinary journal "international journal of veterinary science". The journal was created on the initiative of the famous Russian scientist – Professor of epizootology of the Military medical Academy V. E. Vorontsov and was originally published by the society of veterinary doctors in St. Petersburg, and then, from July 1899 – by the Russian veterinary society. "International journal of veterinary science" has set itself the objective to monitor veterinary public life in the country and abroad, for scientific works and discoveries, which have had significant importance for veterinary or science of life. The focus of the edition was given to the discussion of questions of fight against epizootic diseases, livestock, animal husbandry, veterinary education, etc. In the journal cooperated N. And. Savvaitov, I. H. Gelman, M. A. Ignatiev, G. D. Kravtsov, N. N. Marie, V. I. Steward, etc. The magazine was published until 1917, published in St. Petersburg 2 times a month in volume from 2 to 4 printed sheets.