Asta 61 Parte 2 FIELD of WONDERS with a military-historical bias and with a leading !!!
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Moscow, embankment of Taras Shevchenko, d. 3, Russia
Books, unique photos, posters, 2 items from the criminal case of 1939.
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LOTTO 818:

Karataev I. Description of Slavic-Russian books printed in Cyrillic letters. Volume one [the only one]. From 1491 ...

Venduto per: 9 500р
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3 500 р
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 20% Altri dettagli
29.11.20 in The Arc
tag: Libri

Karataev I. Description of Slavic-Russian books printed in Cyrillic letters. Volume one [the only one]. From 1491 to 1652.
St. Petersburg. Printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1883. - VI, 554 p. In the owner's semi-leather binding, the usual format (17 x 24.3 cm).

On the spine is a paper label with the name and gold lettering: "Sbornik otd. russ. jazyka i slovesnosti". A fragment of the publisher's cover has been saved and pasted on the front flyleaf. Numerous owner's copies of the title pages of the books described in the publication are interwoven and enclosed in the block.

N. B. No. 233 (1882 edition).

Series: Collection of the Department of Russian language and literature of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Issue 34.

[Ivan Prokofievich Karataev (21 June 1817 [2] - 22 February 1886) was a Russian bibliophile and bibliographer.

He came from a merchant class, but he never engaged in trade. From an early age, he began to collect old printed Slavic books and old engravings. In the 1840s, he met Sakharov, Pogodin, I. Tsarsky, and others. and I owe them a lot of advice.

Karataev made a number of trips to Russia and collected one of the best collections of old printed books, which passed (in 1858) to the Imperial Public library: the St. Petersburg Vedomosti (No. 101 for 1861) published the material by A. F. Bychkov "New acquisition of the Imperial Public Library", which referred to the collection of old printed books by I. p. Karataev, which consisted of 485 volumes.

Karataev's first bibliographic work was "Chronological painting of Slavic books printed in Cyrillic letters 1491-1730" (St. Petersburg, 1861), containing brief descriptions of 1581 old-printed editions; this work was awarded the Demidov prize by A. Kh. Vostokov. Karataev's most significant work is "Description of Slavic-Russian books printed in Cyrillic letters": the first edition was published in 1878 and described 147 editions that were published in 1491-1600, and the second edition (1883) is already about 686 books published up to 1652. This publication is very detailed in the descriptions, it reprinted many of the prefaces and afterwords of the first printers, including Ivan Fedorov. Karataev's "description" was an important milestone in the study of the early stages of Russian printing. In addition, Karataev published "Osmoglasnik 1491, printed in Cracow" (St. Petersburg, 1876; includes a picture of the monument and an article by Karataev about it).]

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