Kalidasa. Sakuntala. The Indian drama.
Translated By A. Putyata
Moscow. M. Katkov. 1879, p. 150 Owner's hardcover of the time of publication with an embossed spine, size 14 x 21 cm.
Kalidasa is the greatest national poet of all India. His works have been much loved by the multi-million-strong Indian people for fifteen centuries and have been translated into various new Indian languages. After the publication of the first English translation by William Jones in Calcutta in 1789) Russian Russian translation of this drama (acts I and IV), performed by N. M. Karamzin, a well-known Russian writer, writer, publicist and historian, was published in Moscow in 1792 under the title `Scenes from Sakontala, an Indian drama`. Later, along with translations of other Sanskrit literature, there are translations into Russian of individual works of Kalidasa, made both from foreign translations and from Sanskrit directly. In 1879, in Moscow released a full translation of the drama of Kalidas `sakuntala`, is executed directly from Sanskrit Alexei Putyata. In 1890, a translation of three works by Kalidasa appeared in Vologda: the drama Shakuntala, the epic poem Raghuvansha, and the lyric poem Meghaduta, under the General title 'Sanskrit poems'. This translation was performed from the European editions of N. V. Volotsky, who was not familiar with Sanskrit. A little later, in 1916, a translation of all three of Kalidasa's dramas, Malyavika and Agnimitra, Shakuntala and urvashia, won by Courage, was published in Moscow.
Condition: Very good, owner's signature on the title.