Leilão 1 Holocaust - Judaica - KZ - German WWII - 2020
PO Box 13020 Des Moines, IA 50310, Estados Unidos
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LOTE 94:

Collection of Posters and Publications - 1940

Vendido por: $175
Preço inicial:
$ 50
Preço estimado :
$600 - $800
Comissão da leiloeira: 24% Mais detalhes
IVA: 7.8% Sobre o preço e comissão do lote inteiro

Collection of Posters and Publications - 1940
Collection of 10 posters and publications of the Irgun, 1940s. "The Voice of the Fighting Zion" [the Irgun's broadcast station] poster 1947; "Enlist to the Service of the Rebels"; "Gold is False and Redemption is in Iron"; pamphlet for the day of the arrival of David Raziel's remains for reinterment in the Land of Israel; "National Committee Announcement" regarding the deportation of 1800 Holocaust survivors on the Atlantic: In the name of the entire settlement, the National Committee expresses its indignation and vigorous protest regarding this action carried out by the government which deeply insults the human and nationalist feelings of the yishuv ..."; stencil print of a "The Voice of the Fighting Zion" broadcast from 6/8/1947 against cooperation with the British authorities; "El HaNoar" poster from Iyar 1945; Irgun poster from Av 1947 demanding return of the illegal immigrants from the ship Exodus to the Land of Israel; stencil print poster "Response to the Traitorous Provocateurs" - sharp publication: "Who will answer for the blood of the 250 Jewish souls you murdered on the Patria ... you sent them to their deaths to trade their blood before the Nazi-British enslaver ..."Various sizes and conditions, overall very fine condition.

very good condition