Modern and Contemporary Art

拍卖品 27:

Yenny Cocq


$ 229
估计的价格 :
拍卖行佣金: 5%
增值税: 8.875% 仅对佣金收取

, Bronze figurines, black patina, natural sandstone base, . 4.5” height x 2” width x 2.25” depth (with stone). Description: While these tiny bronze figures are just under 3” tall, they speak volumes through their whimsical style and thoughtful expression. With clean lines and simple geometric shapes, this sculpture resonates with collectors of fine art and mid-century modern design. Mounted on a beautiful off-white natural sandstone base, this work of art is both elegant and a precious keepsake to be admired for years to come.

These figures are also available in 10” size upon request.

Casting Method/Creation Process:
These bronze figures are created using the ancient art of lost wax casting method.
Starting with a clay model, a mold is created that is then used to create a wax copy. Liquid heated wax is poured into the prepared mold. Once it has hardened, the wax can easily be released from the mold. Once the waxes are perfected, they are sent to a foundry where the waxes are added in their shell to the kiln. The wax is molten out and the negative is retained in the ceramic shell mold. Then the liquid bronze (2,250 degrees Farenheit) is poured into this second mold. After a slow cooling time the ceramic shell is destroyed and the raw bronze is sandblasted. The raw bronze is sandblasted again and carefully cleaned. To get the desired finished look, acids and chemicals are applied to create the coloration called “patina”. Finally certain surfaces like the faces and knees of the finished bronze sculpture are highlighted by polishing and a protective coating of wax is applied that prevents further oxidation.
