Leilão 25 Books, Kodesh books, Hassidic books, Rabbinical letters, Manuscripts, Judaika objects and more
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LOTE 030:

Lot of two rare books printed in Izmir: Kra Mikra, 1842; and Yesharesh Yaakov by Rabbi Haim Abulafia, 1729 (first ...

Vendido por: $220 (₪774)
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$ 150
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23.9.19 em Moreshet

Lot of two rare books printed in Izmir: Kra Mikra, 1842; and Yesharesh Yaakov by Rabbi Haim Abulafia, 1729 (first edition)
1. Kra Mikra by Rabbi Meir ben Rabbi Khalifa Bikiyam. 16 pages. Signatures and stamp of ownership. Binding partially detached, generally good condition.

2. Yesharesh Yaakov by Rabbi Haim Abulafia, with the work Be’er L’Chai by Rabbi Yitzhak Nissim ben Gamil, signature of ownership of Rav Chezekaya Belul, a sage of Jerusalem who signed a letter from the leaders of the community in 1787. Moth holes on the cover. New binding, pages unnumbered, generally good condition.