Asta 17  Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pleita
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Five anti-Semitic Booklets from Romania, 1878-1911

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21.9.11 in Kedem

Five anti-Semitic Booklets from Romania, 1878-1911
Five anti-Semitic publications about the situation of Jews in Romania. All five in Romanian:
1. SLAVICI, Joan. "Soll" ֵŸi "Haben", Cestiunea Ovreilor din Romֳ¢nia. Bucharest, 1878.
2. LEROY-BEAULIEU, Anatole. Evreii ֵŸi antisemitismul. Iasi, 1892.
3. PANU, G. Chestia evreilor. Bucharest, 1893.
4. SOCOR, Emanuel. Plagiatul D-lui A. C. Cuza. Bucharest, 1911.
5. BOGDAN-DUICA, Gheorghe. Ovreii pִƒmִƒnteni ֵŸi subpִƒmִƒnteni. Bucharest, 1913.
Not in the collection of the Jerusalem National University Library.
Size and condition varies. Fair condition.