Subasta 6 Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
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Paintings of “The Rebbe Painter” – Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Shapira of Drohobych

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9.9.09 en Kedem

Paintings of “The Rebbe Painter” – Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Shapira of Drohobych
Three colorful painting by the Rebbe of Drohobych, Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Shapira, pastel colors on paper.
Self-portrait with a background of a closet with mirror attached, reflecting his image (hidden by a stone wall); flowering trees; a man sleeping, and an avenue of trees. All three are autographed with the handwriting of the Rebbe.
The Rebbe Painter, Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Shapira (1884-1962, Encyclopedia of Chasidism, Part I, 111-112 ) was the son of the Rebbe of Drohobych, Rabbi Chaim Meir Yechiel Shapira. On his mother’s side he was a descendant to the Rebbes of Beit Ruzhin-Buhush. He was ordained to the Rabbinate in his youth but refused to make use of it. A Torah great, he left behind many writings. He moved to Eretz Israel in 1922, was one of the settlers of Kfar Chasidim in Emek Zevulun. Following his father’s death in 1924 he moved to Jerusalem to take position as Rebbe.
22x30 cm, 22x30 cm. 29x38 cm, good condition, in simple wooden frames with minor damage.