Subasta 6 Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
Por Kedem
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Large wall calendar – Chevrat Mishnayot, Mishkoltz – Yahrzeit list

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9.9.09 en Kedem

Large wall calendar – Chevrat Mishnayot, Mishkoltz – Yahrzeit list
Yahrzeiten DeChevra Mishnayot calendar for studying on the deceased anniversary for the benefit of the souls. Mishkoltz, end of 19th century (?)
Next to the calendar heading is written “Ner HaShem Nishmat Adam.” Table detailing names of the deceased according to the months of the year, with lists of men’s and women’s names. Bottom names donors who financed this - Avraham Ziegelman…[Rabbi] Yaakov Adler… [Rabbi] Meir Ziegelman Sofer Stam… Mishko[ltz].”
89x106 cm. Fair condition. Attached to cardboard. Many tears, a small number of which have been restored. Dark stains.