Asta 37 Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
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Collection of Prayer Leaves – Europe

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 200
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
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2.4.14 in Kedem

Collection of Prayer Leaves – Europe
Collection of printed and handwritten prayer leaves: • Typewritten leaf, Minyan Hoffman –Yom Kippur 1944, with prayer times for Yom Kippur and the Selichot to say during Shacharit, Mussaf and Mincha. • Cardboard plaque, blessings for kindling Chanuka lights and the piyut Ma'oz Tzur, with Dutch translation. Published by Keren HaTorah of Agudat Yisrael, Veenendaal, Holland branch, [first half of 20th century]. • Similar plaque published by Keren HaTorah in a different format with instructions solely in Dutch. • Printed cardboard cards with the E-l Male Rachamim and Tashlich prayers. One from London, one from Paris (published by Chevra Kaddisha) and one from Frankfurt am Main. Three more from an unidentified place (two have an illustration of The Binding of Isaac). • Handwritten leaf, in a long narrow format, with the Prayer for Rain. Square letters with vowels. • Handwritten leaf, list of Selichot for Shacharit, Mussaf and Mincha. • Printed leaf in a long narrow format, Selichot for Yom Kippur – piyutim said on Yom Kippur. Hamburg (Germany), [beginning of 20th century].
12 items. Varied size and condition.