Asta 39 Judaica Israeliana Numismatics and Medals
Da Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israele
L'asta è terminata


Wicker Baskets and Utensils – Yemen

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 300
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
Gli utenti stranieri potrebbero essere esentati dal pagamento delle tasse, secondo il regime fiscale vigente.
16.7.14 in Kedem

Wicker Baskets and Utensils – Yemen
Seven items of Yemenite wicker work (baskets and utensils). Yemen, first half of 20th century.
Wicker weaving.
Presented are four boxes of different sizes with covers and three flat trays. Decoration is formed by weaving wickers of different colors. Wicker weaving was a common women's craft in villages throughout Yemen early in the 20th century. The wicker utensils were used for various purposes: storing clothes, serving food, carpets etc. Sometimes, pattern and color had magic meaning.
Size varies, good condition except for one item, in fair condition.