Subasta 02 Online Auction - Rare Books, Bibliophilic Editions and Art
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LOTE 172:

Four Books with Illustrations by Ludwig Meidner - Berlin and Leipzig, 1918-1929

Precio inicial:
$ 250
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 23%
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión
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24.5.16 en Kedem

Four Books with Illustrations by Ludwig Meidner - Berlin and Leipzig, 1918-1929
Four books with illustrations (prints) by Ludwig Meidner. Berlin and Leipzig, 1918-1929.
1. Im Nacken das Sternemeer. Leipzig: Kurt Wolff, [1918]. Twelve illustrations.
2. Septemberschrei, Hymnen, Gebete, Lästerungen. Berlin: Paul Cassirer, 1920. 14 illustrations.
3. Die Feuerprobe Roman von Ernst Weiss. Berlin: Die Schmiede, 1923. Five etchings. Numbered copy, 331/575.
4. Gang In Die Stille. Berlin: Euphorion, 1929. Six lithographs.
Size and condition vary.