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LOTE 14:

S[abato] Morais. An Address on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United ...

Vendido por: $9 000
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$ 4 000 - $6 000
Comissão da leiloeira: 25%
IVA: 8.875% Sobre a comissão apenas

S[abato] Morais. An Address on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, Delivered Before the Congregation Mikvé Israel of Philadelphia, at Their Synagogue in Seventh Street…On Wednesday, April 19, 1865.

pp. 7, (1 blank). Original printed wrappers. 8vo. Singerman 1903
Philadelphia: Collins 1865
A MOST HISTORIC SPEECH DISPLAYING THE GRIEF JEWS SHARED ALONGSIDE THEIR FELLOW AMERICANS UPON THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN. "This Congregation, in common with the whole American nation, mourn the loss of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, one of its best and purest Presidents, who, like our own lawgiver, Moses, brought a nation to the verge of the haven of peace, and like him was not allowed to participate in its consummation…(The) Synagogue (will) be draped in mourning for the space of thirty days." (p. 2). A native of Livorno, Italy, Sabato Morais (1823-97) was appointed Minister of Congregation Mikveh Israel in 1851, filling the vacuum created by Isaac Leeser's departure the previous year. During the Civil War, Morais freely expressed his sympathy for the slaves, thus, his grief upon the slaying of Lincoln was not an empty platitude. See A. J. Karp, From the Ends of the Earth: Judaic Treasures of the Library of Congress, p. 259.
A MOST HISTORIC SPEECH DISPLAYING THE GRIEF JEWS SHARED ALONGSIDE THEIR FELLOW AMERICANS UPON THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN. "This Congregation, in common with the whole American nation, mourn the loss of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, one of its best and purest Presidents, who, like our own lawgiver, Moses, brought a nation to the verge of the haven of peace, and like him was not allowed to participate in its consummation…(The) Synagogue (will) be draped in mourning for the space of thirty days." (p. 2). A native of Livorno, Italy, Sabato Morais (1823-97) was appointed Minister of Congregation Mikveh Israel in 1851, filling the vacuum created by Isaac Leeser's departure the previous year. During the Civil War, Morais freely expressed his sympathy for the slaves, thus, his grief upon the slaying of Lincoln was not an empty platitude. See A. J. Karp, From the Ends of the Earth: Judaic Treasures of the Library of Congress, p. 259.