Аукцион 9
14.5.19 (локальном времени Вашего часового пояса)
 Klil, Western Galilee
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ЛОТ 14:

A 1935 plan for massive renovation of the Tel Aviv waterfront - Architect Josef Rings.

Стартовая цена:
$ 200
Комиссия аукционного дома: 20% Подробнее
НДС: Только на комиссию

A plan for massive construction and renovation of the shoreline of Tel Aviv, from 1935 (!), by the German – Israeli architect Josef Rings. This plan was presented one year before the beginning of the building of the Tel Aviv port.
The plan is written in Hebrew and German, and includes a map of the shoreline, on which Rings' vision is sketched. The vision extends from the Exhibition Grounds in the north to Jaffa in the south, and is centered around the area opposite Bugrashov St, where Rings planned a square named "Kings of Israel Square", to be surrounded by "healing centers, lecture halls… A museum…, a library and reading rooms, halls for
education and for the soul, exhibition halls for the produce of Palestine…". "… On the roof there will be a landing ground for aeroplanes, and on the water level a station for hydroplanes…". "… on the ground floor – a station for motor boats, the larger of which will be used for travels to Beirut and Port Said…".
Rings also planned, after the square, towards the sea, a large swimming pool, and a large monument, that's illustrated in the written plan. In the area of the Exhibition Grounds he planned another port, and an open-air theater.
The plan is signed by Rings, and dated 1935. The presentation booklets include 7 pp of Hebrew and 10 pp of German, and the map, which has in one corner illustrations of several of the buildings. Needless to say – the plan was never realized. A year after its presentation the building of the Tel Aviv port began, and the port opened in 1938.
Josef Rings – a city planner and an architect, was born in Germany, immigrated to Palestine in 1934 after the rise to power of the Nazis, and stayed until 1948. He worked for Rasco construction company, planned the Agrobank neighborhood in Holon, and in 1948 returned to Germany, where he was professor of city planning in Mainz