14.6.18 (Il tuo orario)
 242 West 30th Street, 12th Floor, New York NY 10001

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LOTTO 315:

Compilation of Folklore and Grammatical ...

Venduto per: $7 250
Prezzo stimato:
$ 6 000 - $8 000
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25%
tag: Libri

Compilation of Folklore and Grammatical Compositions. Hebrew manuscript on paper written in Provençal cursive script, with initials and ornaments in red. Compositions in both center and margins written by the same scribe.

* Seguloth, divinations, kabbalistic charms and spells, including interpretations of dreams (Pitron Chalomot). pp. 5.
* Moshe Kimchi. Sha’ar Ha’Othioth [grammar].
* Petah Devarai [grammar]. pp. 65.
* Vidal Moses Raphael Benporat. Dikduk HaLashon MeHa’Ivrim BeKitzur. pp. 3. ff. 75 (excluding blanks). Dampstained and wormed in places, expert paper repairs along margins. Modern calf. 4to.

(Naples?): 15th- & 16th-centuries.

A large portion of the manuscript is the text: Petach Devarai, an early work on Hebrew grammar by an anonymous Spanish scholar. It is followed by a commentary written by Meir son of R. Shlomo son of R. David, who states he is the grandson of the author.
     The scribe added other compositions in the wide margins of this manuscript: Alphabet of Ben Sira (9v-42r), Stories from One Thousand and One Nights (42v-44v) and the Legend of Sandbar [Sinbad] (45r). Towards the end of the volume another scribe added in cursive Sephardic script: "The first Page of Hebrew Grammar…" Following this composition the scribe`s colophon appears, identifying himself as Vidal Moshe Rafael, son of R. Yosef Ben Porat.”
* Accompanied by:
Detailed description of the manuscript prepared by Dr. Shlomo Zucker, Jerusalem.