14.6.18 (Il tuo orario)
 242 West 30th Street, 12th Floor, New York NY 10001

Time in New York: 1:00 PM

Time in Israel: 20:00

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LOTTO 294:

Autograph Letter Signed. In Hebrew on letterhead ...

Venduto per: $500
Prezzo stimato:
$ 300 - $500
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25%
tag: Libri

Autograph Letter Signed. In Hebrew on letterhead of the Chassidic Rabbis Avraham Dov Twersky (1863-1945), and his brother R. Dovid Twersky (1872-1950), the sons of R. Menachem Nachum of Rachmastrivka. Written to R. Abraham Leib b. Sarah Sovil of Safed.
Sending blessings for the New Year. One page. Punch-holes.

Jerusalem: 5th Tishrei, 1940.

Rachmastrivka is an offshoot of the Chernobyl Chassidic dynasty dating back to the 19th century. These two brothers jointly became Chassidic Rabbis in Jerusalem after their father died in 1937. They had an unusually close relationship and signed their correspondence jointly.